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Episodes 20

Episode 1

May 7, 199044m

In 1967, because of the unstable political situation, WAR SAN lives. with his eldest son, KING SAN, hoping that his wife and his youngest son can come from the Mainland China to accompany with them. KING SAN is very clever but he does not like studying and always plays with his friend, LEE KING CHUEN. WAR SAN has a high expectation on KING SAN. However, because of living, he has to work hard and cares not much about KING SAN. WAH SAN has another girlfriend, LAM LIN HO, and a son, KONG SAN. Although LIN HO has no actual status, she does not blame WAR SAN. Suddenly, WAR SAN gets the news that his wife and son are killed by the Chinese soldiers. By that time, he is very sad and brings LIN HO and KONG SAN to live with them. However, KING SAN cannot accept them and treats them badly. He is then scolded by his father.

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Episode 2

May 8, 199044m

When WAR SAN is working, he touches a bomb carelessly and is injured. He is even blamed to be a trouble-maker and is being fired. KING SAN and KING CHUEN dislike their neighbour, SO MEI and make a forge-bomb to threaten her. However, MEI mistakes that this is done by the drug-addict. She informs the police and the drug-addict is caught. KING SAN and CHUEN are thus very unhappy. WAR SAN cannot find a job because of his injury. In order to maintain their living, LIN HO works secretly as a cabaret girl with the help of SO MEI. However, this is discovered by KING SAN. Later, KING SAN is expelled by the school since he fights with the other classmates. When LIN HO knows that, she tells this to WAR SAN. KING SAN is then scolded violently by WAH SAN. However, KING SAN is very angry and tells HO's secret to his father. WAR SAN is very angry and sends HO away. Unluckily, the squatter area where WAR SAN lives in is on fire……

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Episode 3

May 9, 199044m

Episode 3 SIU FAN finds that KING SAN does not care her very much. In order to stimulate KING SAN, she meets with SIU WONG. By that time, KING SAN finds that he really loves FAN and decides to get her back from SIU WONG. SAN and CHUEN attack SIU WONG but are chased by his followers. BROTHER HOI meets this and helps to settle the case. KING SAN thus respects HOI very much. He wants to follow him but HOI refuses him. In fact, LIN HO accompanies with HOI at that time. However, SAN and HO do not meet one another. SIU WONG is very angry that FAN accompanies with KING SAN again. He co-operates with HOI's follower, SIU SUEN, to attack KING CHUEN. When KING SAN knows that, he immediately asks BROTHER HOI to help CHUEN. HOI is moved by SAN's sincerity and accepts him as his follower and helps to settle the case. However SIU SUEN does not like this. HOI arranges CHUEN to leave Taiwan for Hong Kong……

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Episode 4

May 10, 199044m

Several years later, KING SAN has become HOI's major follower. CHUEN marries CHAN HO YUNG in Hong Kong and has a son, AH SHING. HOI wants to retire and asks SIU SUEN to look after his business. He persuades KING SAN to do some business and promises to help him financially. KING SAN intends to accept his suggestion. At that time, SIU FAN is pregnant. However, she finds that KING SAN still does not intend to marry her. She is very angry and decides to leave KING SAN. KING SAN stops her and promises to marry her. Suddenly, CHUEN finds KING SAN and wants SAN to "help him. In fact, CHUEN does some illegal business but his goods are all got away by SIU SUEN. CHUEN asks SAN to help him. When HOI knows that, he scolds SIU SUEN violently. SUEN is thus very angry and decides to kill SAN and HOI. LIN HO is also seriously injured in the case. KING SAN is chased by SIU SUEN. SAN brings FAN to escape to Hong Kong……

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Episode 5

May 11, 199044m

KONG SAN is not admitted into the University of Hong Kong. Therefore, he goes to join the police force. When WAH SAN knows that, he is no~ very satisfied. Thus, they quarrel violently. KING SAN returns to Hong Kong secretly to find HO YUNG. However, he finds that YUNG does not know the death of KING CHUEN. He does not want to tell YUNG about CHUEN's death and lives in YUNG's house temporarily. KING SAN finally tells the truth to YUNG. YUNG is very sad but she still tries her best to arrange for CHUEN's death. However, YUNG suspects that KING SAN is related to CHUEN's death, so she treats KING SAN coldly. CHUEN owes a large sum of money to the sharp-lender. AH PING and HAI CHAT go to get it from YUNG. YUNG cannot deal with them. It is lucky that KING SAN helps her to get away from them. YUNG suspects that KING SAN is a bad people and forces him out of her house. KING SAN thus has to leave unwillingly……

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Episode 6

May 14, 199044m

In the robbery, KING SAN and PING fire with the guards. At that time, KONG SAN passes by and helps the guard to catch them. KING SAN makes KONG SAN be fainted and flees away. KONG SAN is sent to hospital and HA CHING takes care of him carefully. KONG SAN asks CHING not to tell WAH SAN. Later, KING SAN knows that KONG SAN is all right and feels happier. KAM LOY loves HA CHIK for several years. However, since LOY's mother does not like CHIK, LOK does not dare to marry CHIK. CHIK is very dissatisfied with this and always quarrels with LOY about that. Since WAH SAN is too old to catch robbers, he is being fired. WAH SAN feels very unhappy. When he meets KONG SAN at home, he again quarrels with him because of some minor matter. KONG SAN likes HA CHING. When he wants to pursue her, he finds that CHING has already had a boy-friend. KONG SAN is thus very disappointed……

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Episode 7

May 15, 199044m

KAM LOY and CHIK meet at hotel., They meet PO and have some conflict. They are then sent to the police station, leaving behind bad impression to each other. PO lives in CHUEN's house. However, because of their different character, PO always conflicts with CHUEN's mother, making YUNG difficult to handle the matter. Later, YUNG finds that PO does not work properly for a long time, so she tries to persuade him to find a job. Yet, PO neglects YUNG's advice. YUNG finds that she is pregnant. She even wants to commit suicide. KING SAN saves her in time and persuades her to accept the reality. YUNG finally admits SAN's advice. KONG SAN finally finds that CHING actually has no boy-friend. He then arranges to meet CHING. They talk happily and their relationship develops quickly.

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Episode 8

May 16, 199044m

CHIK goes to visit YUNG and meets PO. However, PO just finds that CHIK is very familiar but cannot remember where he has met her. KONG SAN graduates from the police school. He wants to invite WAR SAN to his graduation ceremony. However, WAH SAN receives a call from KING SAN. KING SAN deceives WAH SAN that he is still at Taiwan and will return to Hong Kong days later. WAH SAN feels very excited and happy. But KING SAN feels very disappointed and does not invite WAH SAN to the ceremony. KONG SAN goes to catch illegal workers in a construction site. But he falls down carelessly. KING SAN holds him up. This leaves a good impression to KONG SAN. Accidentally, KING SAN knows that the man that he hit during the robbery is his brother and he still tries to find LIN HO. Then, he regrets very much. PO takes the excuse that he takes AH SHING to school and goes to find CHIK. However, CHIK does not like PO and PO does not know what to do……

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Episode 9

May 17, 199044m

PO is so careless that he makes YUNG's shop on fire. AR SHING is caught in the scene. KING SAN tries his best to rescue SHING. YUNG feels very grateful to KING SAN. They then knows that PO's right ear is deaf. Afterwards, YUNG has to change her business and accompanies with PO to sell rice-roll in the street. KONG SAN feels that KING SAN may be the robber who hit him in the robbery. He tries to test KING SAN but KING SAN is very careful during their conversation. Because of an old photo, KONG SAN discovers that KING SAN is his brother. He is so angry that he goes to the construction site to scold KING SAN for his lie. KONG SAN is attacked so much that he wanders in the street. CHING knows that and brings KONG SAN to her house for one night. KONG SAN is very grateful to CHING and likes her even more. KING SAN is very upset and talks with YUNG. YUNG persuades him to tell WAR SAN everything……

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Episode 10

May 18, 199044m

CHIK wants LOY to buy a house with her. However, LOY is too timid to ask for money from his mother. LOY tells this to PO. PO then helps to resolve the conflict between LOY and CHIK. PO always quarrels with CHUEN's mother. In order to avoid further trouble, PO determines to find another residence. LOY rents a room to PO and thus lives together with PO. KING SAN decides to visit WAH SAN. WAH SAN is very happy. However, KING SAN still does not dare to tell WAR SAN the truth. In order not to make WAR SAN disappointed, KONG SAN also has not disclosed KING SAN's secret. KONG SAN is very dissatisfied that WAH SAN loves KING SAN more. Therefore, he brings WAR SAN to the construction site to see what KING SAN actually does. When WAH SAN knows the truth, he is very angry and hits KING SAN. He even sends KING SAN away. In order to make WAR SAN forgive him, KING SAN kneels down outside the door in the rain……

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Episode 11

May 21, 199044m

KING SAN goes to live with WAH SAN. However, KONG SAN is not very satisfied because he cannot forget the fact that LIN HO is being sent away due to KING SAN and WAH SAN cares KING SAN too much. LOY's mother discovers that LOY buys a flat with CHIK and quarrels with LOY. She even forces LOY to break with CHIK. She tells the case to CHUEN's mother. However, CHUEN's mother sympathesizes with CHIK, making LOY's mother very disappointed. On the other hand, PO also encourages LOY and CHIK to continue with their relationship. KONG SAN meets his friend, HA CHAI, by chance. They talk happily for a long time. WAH SAN's birthday is coming. KING SAN suggests to celebrate for him. KONG SAN agrees and buys a beautiful watch for him. WAH SAN is very happy and puts it in a safe place. YUNG also goes to celebrate for WAH SAN's birthday. However, WAH SAN mistakes that YUNG is KING SAN's girlfriend, making YUNG very embarrassed.

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Episode 12

May 22, 199044m

KONG SAN is not very satisfied because he finds that WAH SAN has not used his watch. He thinks that WAH SAN does not like it. WAH SAN quarrels with another customer in the restaurant. By that time, KONG SAN discovers that KING SAN is actually the robber that he met before. KONG SAN has to catch KING SAN at once. KING SAN begs him and he promises to catch him after the celebration. When WAH SAN knows that, he scolds KONG SAN violently. KONG SAN is not very happy because WAH SAN does not forgive him. He even resigns. However, his superior encourages him to continue with his work. KING SAN is finally released because of insufficient evidence. WAH SAN is very happy and ensures that it is KONG SAN who wants to get merits and thus blames KING SAN. HA CHING changes to be a journalist trainee. She is asked to get some news with strong advertising sense. She is very dissatisfied and quarrels with the chief editor……

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Episode 13

May 23, 199044m

KONG SAN finds lots of obstacles in his career just because of KING SAN's past bad record. KING SAN feels unhappy and asks KONG SAN to forgive him but KONG SAN refuses. Because of his special identity, KONG SAN is asked to be a spy. IAfter serious consideration, KONG SAN finally accepts the offer. In order to escape from the hawker control group, YUNG runs quickly but this hurts her womb. She is sent to hospital. KING SAN takes care of her closely. Their relationship thus grows quickly. In a dinner, CHING meets TAK PUI and wants to have an interview with him. However, PUI leaves sUddenly because of some affairs. This makes CHING cannot finish the interview and CHING thus feels very dissatisfied. KONG SAN finds that the future of being a spy is very uncertain and feels very upset. By that time, CHING tries to comfort him. They thus have some special relationship……

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Episode 14

May 24, 199044m

KONG SAN goes to live with HA CHAI in order to have more chance to get near PUI. PUI insists on having CHING to have an interview with him. Then he uses some special method to pursue CHING. CHING's bad impression on him gradually improves. Finding that KING SAN is very upset, CHING tries to encourage him. In order to suppress his real identity, KING SAN treats CHING badly. CHING thus leaves him angrily. After YUNG has left the hospital, KING SAN always accompanies with her to play everywhere. They get along with each other very well. PUI takes over the newspaper office at which CHING is working in order to have more chance to get near CHING. CHIK takes the advice of CHING to pretend to be pregnant in order to force LaY to marry her. However, LaY is too timid to tell his mother. CHIK is very angry and asks for separation. KONG SAN tries to use another name to apply for the post of a driver for PUI……

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Episode 15

May 25, 199044m

Episode 15 PUI cannot believe KONG SAN and does not let him to be his driver. He only gives him another post. In order not to spoil the plan, KONG SAN does not accept the offer. CHUEN's mother is afraid that YUNG and KING SAN will develop any relationship and thus warns them. KING SAN thus has to hide his love towards YUNG and decides to get away from YUNG. PUI tries to pursue CHING. However, CHING does not like him and refuses him. WAR SAN is very worried about KONG SAN. KING SAN knows KONG SAN's address from CHING. He goes to persuade KONG SAN to return home but KONG SAN refuses firmly. KING SAN thus replies WAH SAN that KING SAN is now working hard, making WAH SAN very satisfied. PUI's enemies set fire on PUI's night-club for revenge. YUNG knows that KING SAN is working there and goes there to see whether KING SAN is all right. When she knows that KING SAN is safe, she feels very happy……

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Episode 16

May 28, 199044m

Episode 16 CHUEN's mother finds that YUNG still accompanies with KING SAN and quarrels with YUNG. However, YUNG finds that she has not done wrong and does not explain anything. PO does not want to destroy the relationship of LOY and CHIK and decides to continue to be a soldier. YUNG goes to tell CHIK about PO's attitude towards her. CHIK is touched by PO's behaviour and decides to marry PO. CHING discovers that KONG SAN becomes PUI's driver and is very disappointed. By that time, PUI tries to toody CHING. He celebrates CHING's birthday in a special way. CHING is touched by that. KONG SAN persuades CHING not to get along with PUI. However, CHING misunderstands KING SAN and quarrels with him violently. In order to earn a living, LIN HO works as a singer in PUI's night-club. However, PUI mocks at LIN HO but HO bears it. Yet, PUI still decides to fire her. PUI wants to assign duties to KING SAN. He arranges a plot to test KING SAN……

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Episode 17

May 29, 199043m

LIN HO is mocked by the customers in the night-club. KONG SAN helps to resolve the problem and accompanies with her to return home. KONG SAN has a special feeling towards HO in their conversation. PUI brings CHING to the night-club. CHING finds KONG SAN and LIN HO's close relationship and is very unhappy. She persuades KONG SAN about that but quarrels with hlm at last. KING SAN meets SIU SUEN accidentally. He even hits SUEN. He also knows that HO has returned to Hong Kong. He feels very confused and does not dare to tell WAR SAN about that. PUI believes KONG SAN very much and tells him everything. He even makes KONG SAN to be his major assistant. KONG SAN quarrels with CHING and this is discovered by PUI. PUI suspects KONG SAN and arranges SAN and CHING to go to a fascinated party. It is lucky that KONG SAN can keep himself conscious and leaves the party himself. KONG SAN gradually loves HO but HO tries to escape from him……

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Episode 18

May 30, 199042m

KING SAN finds SUEN and knows that LIN HO has broken her leg and lost part of her memory when she fell from the flat years ago. He then feels very unhappy. CHING discovers accidentally that PUI has killed someone. CHING is very afraid and goes to find KONG SAN. PUI follows her and forces her to fall from the flat. KONG SAN is very upset. PUI hits KONG SAN and SAN becomes unconscious. PUI even makes love with KONG SAN. When KONG SAN becomes conscious again, he knows that PUI is a homosexual. He is very angry and hits PUI. He then leaves angrily. KONG SAN is very upset. He even wants to resign but is stopped by his superior. He goes to find HO and even wants to make love with her. HO refuses. KONG SAN feels very ashamed and leaves at once. HO thinks of her son very much. She goes to find WAR SAN for her son's information. When WAH SAN sees HO's situation, he feels very ~egret for what he has done in the past……

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Episode 19

May 31, 199043m

WAH SAN dies. KING SAN goes to inform KONG SAN but finds that PUI is making love with KONG SAN. KING SAN wants to kill PUI. Then, LIN HO tells the relationship between everyone. PUI feels very surprised and KING SAN is very upset. . KING SAN tells the truth about the past to HO. He even tells HO that HOI is killed by SUEN. HO scolds SUEN and declares that she will not forgive him. SUEN is very angry with KING SAN and wants to hurt YUNG. KING SAN hits SUEN violently. HO arrives in time. SUEN bets HO to follow him to return to Taiwan. HO still loves SUEN and promises him at last. PUI discovers that KONG SAN is a spy. However, because of the special relationship with him, he has not hurt KONG SAN. KONG SAN's superior asks KONG SAN to stop his duty because of his unstable mood. KONG SAN is very unhappy and tells everything to KING SAN. KING SAN finds that KONG SAN has not turned bad and is very happy. The police wants to catch PUI……

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Episode 20

Season Finale
June 1, 199044m

KONG SAN is attacked too much and is very confused. He even wants to find LIN HO at sea. He is drowned and KING SAN tries hard to save him. However, KONG SAN has become partly mad. KING SAN brings KONG SAN to Taiwan secretly and finds HO. However, SUEN mistakes that they will attack him and wants to kill them. In order to save KONG SAN, HO kills SUEN. KING SAN admits the crime for HO and is sentenced to prison for ten years. When YUNG knows that KING SAN has sent to prison, she goes to find KING SAN herself without caring the objection of CHUEN's mother. YUNG declares that she will wait for KING SAN. However, KING SAN does not want to implicate her and asks YUNG to find another partner. During the ten years, YUNG always writes to KING SAN but KING SAN has no reply to her. YUNG is thus very disappointed. On the other hand, HO has died. KONG SAN works as a writer and obtains quite a good prospect……

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