Peter Lai Bei-Dak as

Episodes 20

Episode 1

January 25, 199347m

CHAI YAN, just as his name suggests, has three wives. His second wife NGAN TUNG LAN always competes with his third wife TAM SI MUI for his favor. However he manages to cope with the situation.

As YAN grows older and older, he hopes that his sons will inherit his business. He tries to convince his two sons. His younger son CHI uses reasonable excuses to shirk his duty and thus the duty falls onto CHUNG's shoulder.

CHUNG works as a computer programmer and he aims at giving the others happiness, so he does not want to accept his father's offer.

CHUNG sets a game programme "The City of Dreams" and creates a lovely female warrior. His idea is appreciated by the local company president and is sent to the head office in Japan. CHUNG is excited and works even harder.

One day when CHUNG is working, he carefully spills some wine onto the computer and it is shocked by electric circuits.… ...

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Episode 2

January 26, 199347m

DONG meets TAU who has come out from the computer. They know that if SALOMI comes to the world, it will be hazardous. Therefore they determine to prevent it from happening.

DONG knows that SALOMI is created by CHUNG, so she entangles him, leaving him no time to rewrite SALOMI. However she is driven away by him.

DONG turns herself invisible and goes into CHUNG's house to interrupt his work. CHUNG thinks that his house is haunted. At last DONG appears in front of him, claiming to be one running away from home. CHUNG agrees to have her stay in his house.

CHUNG brings his drafts to the meeting and DONG has exchanged it. He is being laughed at by his opponent GORDON and PETER.

TUNG burns CHUNG" s drafts as he wants to drive spirits away from CHUNG’s house CHUNG thinks that DONG has done it and expels her. At Iast TUNG tells him want has happened and CHUNG accepts DONG again.

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Episode 3

January 27, 199347m

DONG is touched as CHUNG is willing to give her accommodation. CHUNG is scolded by his boss but he is supported by his colleagues, especially FONG WAN TIK who admires him.

CHI gives GORDON and PETER a small lesson as they always criticize CHUNG.

DONG does the housework and takes good care of CHUNG as she has spoiled his project and feels guilty.

YAN and TUNG has promised to have a marriage between their children but no one takes it serious except TUNG as he appreciates CHUNG's character and he regards him as his son-in-law.

When TUNG sees DONG in CHUNG’s house, he suggests rent a room for her as he is afraid that CHUNG will be seduced.

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Episode 4

January 28, 199347m

MAN is sent to work in Hong Kong and she meets CHI on the plane. As they have never met before, CHI tries to make friend with her but he is tricked. CHI is deeply impressed by her after he knows their relationship.

MAN wants to bring her parents together again. TUNG thinks that she will stay for a short time and requests SO to impersonate his wife but at last MAN knows the truth.

By mistakes, CHUNG misses the chance to see MAN and at last as they meet CHUNG does not like her cool character.

MAN works in "Fuk Tin" and CHI tries to win over her heart as he like playing the love game and MAN is a challenge to him.

Al though CHUNG and DONG miss each other, they have no chance to meet as TUNG interrupts it.

TAU unintentionally sets DONG's house on fire and DONG has an excuse to move into CHUNG's house again.… ...

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Episode 5

January 29, 199347m

YAN appreciates that MAN can remain calm in such a situation and regards her as his ideal daughter-in-law. LAN and MUI persuade their sons to chase after MAN. CHUNG ignores it but CHI has the confidence.

DONG joins "Fuk Tin" as an assistant secretary. As she is beautiful, many want to win over her heart. CHUNG feels unhappy as he sees their behaviour.

DONG and CHUNG are mutually attracted after a long time contact.

MAN is not impressed by CHI though he tries to flatter her. Thus he pretends to resign to see her reaction.

Once they have a meeting in a bungalow. MAN thinks that CHI will flatter ?her but to her surprise, CHI focuses on the job. MAN thinks that she has to re-evaluate CHI.

STEVEN tries to entangle MAN and CHI saves her from the situation, MAN thanks him.

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Episode 6

February 1, 199347m

CHI makes a bet with STEVEN. He claims that MAN will fall in love with him soon. To touch her, CHI pretends that he is defeated by STEVEN so as to make MAN have mercy on him. His plan is successful.

MUI supports CHI in chasing after MAN. He worries nothing and asks her to be calm.

DONG is jealous as she is told by LAN and MUI about the agreed marriage between MAN and CHUNG.

TAU wants DONG to give him money to but wine. She does not give him and he threatens her that he will tell CHUNG about her real identity. DONG has to do as he requests.

When DONG is doing the housework, she puts a disk into the drive, making it be infected by viruses. CHUNG's work is interrupted and he is laughed at by GORDON and PETER.

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Episode 7

February 2, 199347m

After discussion, CHUNG and CHI ask Dr.IQ to help them. However he has just left for his vacation. They rush to stop him.

Dr.IQ does not want to give up his holiday but he is trapped by them and at last he promises to help CHUNG.

DONG wants to make compensation and she finds out that CHUNG is tricked by PETER who has sent people to take away CHUNG's disk. DONG and TAU gets it back and put it into the drive. The others think that it has been repaired by Dr. IQ and DONG does not tell the others.

YAN persuades CHUNG to help him in his business but CHUNG does not want to give-up his own career and they quarrel. Luckily YAN forgives him as he knows CHUNG’s own idea.

DONG loves CHUNG but she does not know his feeling. She and TAU use tricks to test him and she is happy to see that he loves her.

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Episode 8

February 3, 199347m

CHUNG sends TAU to help TUNG but they argue and TAU is so angry that he opens another shop of palmetry. He and TUNG become competitors.

LINA admires CHI and she is jealous of the relationship of CHI and MAN. She creates scandal to attack them. MAN is affected and wants to leave but at last she is convinced by CHI.

TINA returns and wants to do business with YAN. TUNG thinks that she tries to seduce MAN and beats her up. She fights back and they quarrel again.

Originally they were lovers but TINA is discontented with TUNG who indulges in palmetry and "Fung Shui". At last TINA went to the USA with MAN but in fact they still love each other.

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Episode 9

February 4, 199347m

CHI is good at playing love games and at last MAN is trapped by him though she knows his behavior .

TUNG and TINA still care each other but they do not want to make apology first.

TINA and TUNG argue again after she has settled down. TINA wants MAN to marry CHI while TUNG prefers to have CHUNG as his son-in-law.

It is no more challenging after MAN has fallen in love with CHI and CHI does not want anyone to control him. Moreover he does not want his family to push him so much, so he loses his interest on MAN.

CHI meets DONG in a ball and after communication; he is touched by her naive character. His own character is changed too.

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Episode 10

February 5, 199347m

One day TUNG breaks the antique that TINA wants to buy. She feels being humiliated and rents half of the flat that TLJNG is living in. They argue again and MAN calms them down.

LAN runs away from home and goes to CHUNG’s house as she realizes that MAN has fallen in love with CHI and she still is not YAN's legal wife.

LAN is angry to see TAU and DONG in CHUNG's house. To settle her, DONG gives her room to LAN. LAN is impressed and accepts DONG.

YAN is angry with LAN who has run away. Moreover MUI says bad words of her. Therefore he does not come to ask her to go home. LAN is also discontented.

DONG knows that WAN DIK admires CHUNG. Therefore when she knows that WAN DIK is going to get married, she is depressed. When she knows that WAN DIK to not going to marry CHUNG, she feels relieved.

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Episode 11

February 8, 199347m

CHI leads an extravagant life and this puts him in financial difficulties. In order to overcome the problem, he steals CHUNG's programme and sells it to a Malaysian merchant. Before he does it, he tries to see whether CHUNG will cooperate with him or not. CHUNG refuses his suggestion.

CHUNG discovers the disk containing the programme of "The City of Dreams" which has been hidden by DONG. He brings it to Or.IQ. Dr. IQ tries to repair it and SALOMI has the chance to come to this world.

SALOMI has been instructed to get rid of DONG so she tries to kill DONG with electricity when she meets DONG. However his power is reflected by a large mirror and is hurt.

TINA is deceived and is left behind in Shenzhen. She calls KA MAN but she is not there and she turns to PAK TUNG. PAK TUNG rushes to save her and she is impressed.… ...

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Episode 12

February 9, 199347m

SALOMI wants to have a place to settle down. She kidnaps LISA, who is the boss of a boutique and claims to be her adopted sister.

As YAN promises that he will hand over the financial duty to LAN or MUI but it depends on whether CHUNG or CHI will win over KA MAN's heart. Therefore they try to flatter her.

CHI wants to stay away from kA MAN and therefore he goes to Japan for business and dates other girls in front of her.

KA MAN questions him and CHI states that it’s his real character. KA MAN knows that she cannot force CHI and suggests breaking up so as to save her own prestige.

Although CHUNG and DONG have not disclosed their love, in fact they deeply love each other.

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Episode 13

February 10, 199347m

SALOMI's boutique is close to PAK TUNG's shop. She thinks that she can make use of him and entangles him. With PAK TUNG, she catches TAU. Although she tortures TAU, TAU does not tell her where DONG is.

KA MAN loses her lover and is depressed. CHUNG and DONG have mercy on her and they become good friends. KA MAN discovers that CHUNG is really good and she is aware that she has made a wrong choice between CHUNG and CHI but now it is too late.

CHI has urgent need money to repair his sports car thus he steals CHUNG's programme and sells it to Thailand.

CHUNG does not know CHI's plan and when he discovers it, it is too late and CHI is dismissed. CHI thinks that CHUNG has betrayed him and is angry with CHUNG.

DONG wants to bring them back but CHI just wants to approach DONG.

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Episode 14

February 11, 199347m

SALOMI lets TAU go so as to find DONG and DONG turns invisible. At the meantime CHUNG sees the strange phenomena and is frightened.

CHUNG thinks that he has been haunted and asks for PAK TUNG' s advice. DONG is afraid that CHUNG will leave her if he knows her real identity.

DONG quits her job and takes temporary accommodation in a bungalow in the countryside as she wants to stay away from SALOMI.

DONG meets CHI who tells her that he loves DONG but DONG only has CHUNG in mind.

Dr. IQ discovers that DONG is not a human being and tells CHUNG.

CHUNG decides to continue his love as he finds that, he cannot live without DONG. However they cannot meet each other and their relationship is disrupted by CHI.

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Episode 15

February 12, 199347m

DONG manages to run away Tram SALOMI's attack but both are hurt. SALOMI cannot release electricity to hurt DONG.

CHJNG finds DONG but after being shocked, she loses her memory.

As SALOMI is also hurt, she grasps PAK TUNG to take car-e OT her.

CHI makes use of the chance to claim that DONG has agreed to marry him. He even creates False evidence to prove his words. DONG trusts him.

CHI tells CHUNG that DONG loves him instead of CHUNG. CHUNG does not want DONG to be shocked by telling her real identity, thus he lets it be.

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Episode 16

February 15, 199347m

CHUNG wants to tell DONG her real identity but TAU stops him as DONG wants to be a real human being. Thus CHUNG gives up.

On the other hand, CHUNG tries to recall DONG’s memory but in vain.

DONG meets SALOMI in a department store. As she does not know what is happening, she runs away and is saved by TAU.

SALOMI believes that PAK TUNG can catches ghosts and this is helpful. Therefore she entangles him.

PAK TUNG wants to stay with TINA but Tat self-prestige TINA requests him to start chasing her again. PAK TUNG is in a dilemma and at last he turns to SALOMI.

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Episode 17

February 16, 199347m

TINA is jealous to see PAK TUNG with SALOMI. PAK TUNG can make no explanation and TINA believes that there is filthy relationship between them after SALOMI's words.

SALOMI makes use of the chance to win over PAK TUNG's heart.

CHUNG is depressed and KA MAN tries to help him. As CHUNG cannot forget DONG, KA MAN can do nothing though she is impressed by him.

DONG becomes CHI's lover as she has been deceived.

KA MAN helps CHUNG in his business and CHUNG knows that she admires him and he tries to accept her love.

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Episode 18

February 17, 199347m

DONG recalls her memory suddenly but she pretends that she still loses her mind as she sees CHUNG with KA MAN and she is not a real human being.

TAU seeks help from Dr. IQ and they go to see SALOMI. TAU is disappointed as he finds that DONG's fate has been deter-mined by the programme.

SALOMI seduces PAK TUNG and TINA is angry. PAK TUNG wants to follow YAN’s example to have two wives but TINA disagree.

PAK TUNG wants to give SALOMI money and drives her away but he is caught. SALOMI threatens Dr. IQ with PAK TUNG' s life as Dr. IQ is trying to modify the end of the story of the programme.

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Episode 19

February 18, 199347m

SALOMI threatens Dr. IQ to modify the programmer for her but he escapes. He tells CHUNG what has happened to him but he does not believe and thinks that Dr. IQ has gone nuts.

CHUNG discovers that DONG has recovered and they determine to overcome all obstacles to get married.

CHUNG tells his family about his love of DONG. CHI is touched by their frank love and decides to stop spoiling them.

CHUNG finds that when the game ends. DONG will also vanish and he regrets having design such an ending. He begs Dr. IQ to help him but Dr, IQ has not recovered.

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Episode 20

Season Finale
February 19, 199347m

TAU gets into the to change DONG's fate. He gets the power for DONG to destroy SALOMI but accidentally he is destroyed. This proves the presence of fate.

SALOMI wants to kill CHUNG as he may modify the programme to get no of her. DONG is seriously hurt as she wants to protect CHUNG. She becomes unconscious.

KA MAN realizes that she cannot force the others to love her thus she decides to help CHUNG to confront the fate.

SALOMI abandons PAK TUNG as he becomes useless and PAK TUNG realizes that TINA still loves him. Therefore he decides to return to her.

DONG wakes up and CHUNG tries his best to change the ending. Can CHUNG manage to fight against the fate? You can find the answer in the episode.

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