Discuss Henry Cavill

The awful 2024 Olympics made me realize that I can't call myself a woman anymore. That's because nobody knows what a woman is anymore.

TBH, after a little research, I decided that I will call myself biologically female or biological woman. Heck, I'm tempted to call myself chromosome-ally female, because some may still wonder what the added biologically or biological means. Unfortunately, Google didn’t find any chromosomally female. So I'm not sure if that's good English and my English is bad enough.

Anyway, I’m giving this topic it’s own thread, because I feel we will be talking about this often. I also don’t want the info I collected to be lost on the gossip thread.

That said, I know I’m not a doctor. But all doctors go to school and they all learn from books. Books are available in libraries and online. Google and Wiki are very useful too. So let’s get into this.

V = vagina
P = penis
XX = female chromosome (XX-chrom)
XY = male chromosome (XY-chrom)

Differences in Sex Development or DSDs

DSD are defined as "any problem noted at birth where the genitalia are atypical in relation to the chromosomes or gonads". There are several types of DSDs, and their effect on the external and internal reproductive organs varies greatly.


Intersex people are individuals born with any of several sex characteristics, including chromosome patterns, gonads, or genitals that do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies.

Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome or AIS

AIS affects the development of a person's genitals and reproductive organs. People with AIS have XY chromosomes, but their body does not respond to testosterone (the male sex hormone) fully or at all. This prevents the sex development of a typical male. A penis does not form or is underdeveloped. This means the child's genitals may develop as female, or are underdeveloped as male. The child may have fully or partially undescended testicles. But there will be no womb or ovaries. Children with AIS tend to have high levels of testosterone in their blood.

How AIS is passed on

The AIS gene is found on the mother's X chromosome. As the mother has 2 X chromosomes, the normal chromosome is able to make up for the faulty one. This means, she's a carrier of the AIS gene, but does not have AIS and is able to have children.

  • Any genetically female (XX) children the mother has will also inherit 2 X chromosomes and will be unaffected. However, they, too, may be carriers and be able to pass the AIS gene on to any children they have.
  • If the mother has a genetically male (XY) child, there's a chance they could pass on the faulty X chromosome, in addition to the Y chromosome the child gets from their father. If this happens, the Y chromosome will not be able to make up for the faulty X chromosome and the baby will develop AIS.

There are 2 types of AIS

  1. Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome or CAIS – where testosterone has no effect on sex development. The genitals of a person with CAIS appear female. CAIS can be difficult to spot, as the genitals usually look like those of any other girl. It's often not diagnosed until puberty, when periods do not start and pubic and underarm hair does not develop. Most children with CAIS are raised as girls. Athletes with CAIS do not have any advantage from testosterone.
  2. Partial Adrogen Insensitivity Syndrome or PAIS – where testosterone has some effect on sex development. The genitals of a person with PAIS may appear as female or male. PAIS is easier to spot, because a baby's genitals are not as expected for a baby boy or baby girl. Children with PAIS are brought up either as girls or boys.

Other causes of high testosterone in females (XX)

High testosterone in females is usually due to an underlying medical condition, such as:

  1. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia or CAH is the term that refers to a group of inherited disorders that affect the adrenal glands. These glands secrete the hormones cortisol and aldosterone, which play a role in managing metabolism and blood pressure. The adrenal glands also produce the male sex hormones dehydroepiandrosterone and testosterone. People with CAH lack one of the enzymes necessary to regulate the production of these hormones, so they secrete too little cortisol and too much testosterone. CAH may be mild, which is nonclassic CAH, or severe, which is classic CAH. Symptoms in females include: deep voice; early appearance of pubic hair; enlarged clitoris; excess body hair; facial hair; irregular or absent menstrual periods; severe acne; shorter height as an adult after rapid childhood growth. While there is no cure for CAH, most people with the condition can receive treatment that will reduce symptoms and improve their quality of life.
  2. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS is a common hormonal disorder that affects females of reproductive age. People do not usually receive a diagnosis until they are in their 20s and 30s. However, the condition can affect children as young as 11 years old. Symptoms of PCOS include: weight gain; difficulty getting pregnant; acne or oily skin. PCOS may also lead to several health complications, including: depression; heart disease; infertility; miscarriage; obesity; sleep apnea; type 2 diabetes. Doctors do not know what causes PCOS, although excess insulin and genetics may play a role.


Transgenderism means the possession of a gender identity that is not congruent with the sex assigned at birth: often associated with, but not necessarily resulting in, gender dysphoria.

Gender dysphoria (GD) is the distress a person experiences due to a mismatch between their gender identity—their personal sense of their own gender—and their sex assigned at birth. The term replaced the previous diagnostic label of gender identity disorder (GID) in 2013 with the release of the diagnostic manual DSM-5 (The Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders, fifth edition). The condition was renamed to remove the stigma associated with the term disorder.

The ICD-11 (The International Classification Of Diseases, tenth edition) has redefined gender identity-related health, replacing outdated diagnostic categories like “gender identity disorder” with “gender incongruence”. Gender incongruence has been moved out of the “Mental And Behavioural Disorders” chapter and into the new “Conditions Related To Sexual Health” chapter. This reflects current knowledge that trans-related and gender diverse identities are not conditions of mental ill-health, and that classifying them as such can cause enormous stigma.

The different genders

  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
  4. Gender neutral - People whose gender is not male or female
  5. Non-binary - People whose gender don't fall into the category male or female
  6. Agender - People who have an internal sense of being neither male nor female nor some combination of male and female
  7. Pangender - People whose gender identity encompasses multiple genders, which may be experienced simultaneously or in a fluid, fluctuating manner
  8. Genderqueer - People who are genderqueer may identify solely with the term “genderqueer” or with “genderqueer” and something else. For example, a person might self-identify as a genderqueer trans woman
  9. Two-spirit - Native American Two-Spirit people were male, female, and sometimes intersexed individuals who combined activities of both men and women with traits unique to their status as Two-Spirit people. In most tribes, they were considered neither men nor women; they occupied a distinct, alternative gender status.
  10. Third gender - Is a concept in which individuals are categorized, either by themselves or by society, as neither a man or woman
  11. All the above
  12. None of the above (1-10)
  13. A combination of two or more of the above (1-10)

A transgender person (often shortened to trans person) is someone whose gender identity differs from that typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth.

Transsexual is a transgender person who desire medical assistance to transition from one sex to another.

Cisgender (or cis) is the opposite of transgender. Cisgender describes persons whose gender identity matches their assigned sex at birth.

A transgender man (often shorterned to trans man) is a man who was assigned female at birth

A transgender woman (often shorterned to trans woman) is a woman who was assigned male at birth.

Accurate statistics on the number of transgender people vary widely, in part due to different definitions of what constitutes being transgender. Some countries, such as Canada, collect census data on transgender people. Generally, fewer than 1% of the worldwide population are transgender, with figures ranging from <0.1% to 0.6%.

Trans man athletes

What a shock that almost all of them competed as female. Only four (#2, #7, #12 and #13) tried to compete with biological men too. More about them after the list.

  1. Kye Allums, basketball
  2. Schuyler Bailar, swimming Schuyler Bailar, swimming
  3. Hergie Bacyadan, boxing, wushu and vovinam
  4. Mack Beggs, wrestling
  5. Harrison Browne, ice hockey
  6. Balian Buschbaum, pole vault
  7. Willy De Bruyn, cycling
  8. Keelin Godsey, hammer throw
  9. Iszac Henig, swimming
  10. Zdeněk Koubek, track
  11. Andreas Krieger, shot put
  12. Patricio Manuel, boxing
  13. Chris Mosier, triathlon and duathlon

arrow_right Schuyler Bailar

Schuyler Bailar is the first openly transgender NCAA Division I swimmer, and also the first publicly documented NCAA D1 transgender man to compete as a man in any sport.

Bailar was originally recruited in 2013 as a member of the women's team by Harvard Women's Swimming and Diving head coach Stephanie Morawski. After transitioning during a gap year, Bailar was also offered a spot on the men's team by coach Tyrrell, allowing Bailar the choice of either team. He elected to swim on the men's team

His final swim in the 100-yard breaststroke ranked him in the top 34 percent of Division I swimmers and top 15 percent of all NCAA divisions, finishing his career among the elite male swimmers.

arrow_right Patricio Manuel, boxing

Super featherweight
4 Total fights
3 Wins
1 Losses

  1. Manuel made his professional debut on a Golden Boy Promotions event on December 8, 2018 in Indio, California, scoring a four-round unanimous decision victory over Hugo Aguilar, with all three judges scoring the bout 39–37.
  2. In March 2023, Manuel won his second professional bout against Hien Huynh by technical decision (cut caused by a headclash).
  3. In June 2023, Manuel participated in Golden Boy Fight Night where he won by unanimous decision against Alexander Gutierrez.
  4. In April 2024, Manuel participated again in Golden Boy Fight Night and was knocked out (TKO) after 21 seconds into the first round by his opponent Joshua Reyes.

arrow_right Chris Mosier, triathlon and duathlon

Mosier began competing in triathlon in 2009 as female.

While he qualified, Mosier was uncertain about his eligibility to compete in the Duathlon World Championship Race in Spain in June 2016 due to the International Olympic Committee policy around the participation of transgender athletes, with specific provisions from the Stockholm Consensus in 2004.

In 2015, Mosier challenged the policy, resulting in the creation and adoption of new IOC guidelines for the participation of transgender athletes. Mosier was considered the catalyst for change in the policy in January 2016, after he successfully advocated for change in the policy to allow his participation in the World Championship and future races. Following the policy change, in 2016 Mosier raced in the International Triathlon Union Sprint Duathlon World Championship race in Aviles, Spain, becoming the first known transgender athlete to compete in a World Championship race.

In 2020 Mosier became the first openly transgender man to ever compete in an Olympic trial alongside other men; however, he was unable to finish the Racewalking event due to injur

Mosier spoke about his experience with Chicago Go Pride, saying, "Competing as a woman, I thought about gender all the time, to a point where it interfered with my ability to be successful because I didn't feel comfortable at races. Now, I feel more able to focus and gender doesn't come up as much."

arrow_right Willy De Bruyn, cycling

De Bruyn was born in 1914 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium with both male and female sex organs. He was officially inscribed as the daughter of his parents, and raised as a girl, but he soon was considerably taller and stronger than other girls his age, and by the age of fourteen he realised that he was not like other girls.

De Bruyn started cycling in 1932. In 1933, he won the women's European Championship in Aalst, Belgium. In 1934, he won the Belgian Championship in Leuven and the World Championships in Schaerbeek in front of about 100,000 spectators. By then, De Bruyn had become the biggest Belgian star in women's cycling. However, he felt more and more uncomfortable racing and winning against women due to feeling "like a man, never like a woman". He continued racing to earn money but deliberately finished second or third instead of winning.

Everybody cannot compete as woman/female

Those born a “traditional” P+XY-chrom don’t have to worry about not being strong enough. They don't have to worry about those out there with, let's say, a non-traditional combination of gender-chrom-identity. No, they should just worry about receiving the best training, nutrition and enough rest.

The non-traditional combinations of gender-chrom-identity out there seem to know they'll have a disadvantage if they compete with the traditional P+XY-chroms. So they’re wise enough to not compete with them.

Some of those non-traditional combinations of gender-chrom-identity, however, know they’ll have an advantage if they compete with a traditional V+XX-chrom. Suddenly, they aren’t wise enough to see that’s unfair. No, they’re selfish. They’ll use their advantage to compete with the traditional V+XX-chroms anyway.

So I don’t sympathize with these people, because they don’t care that my category, which is V+XX-chrom, can get hurt. They’re proud to take away the medals, records and accolades from my category, knowing perfectly well that they had an unfair advantage. These non-traditional combination of gender-chrom-identity should have their own category.

Biology vs Ideology

Apparently, transgenderism is also an ideological movement that challenges sex-based rights and actively promotes the idea that a person’s gender identity has no connection to their anatomy. Gender identity is brain-based and innate. It's something that you need to discover for yourself and then reveal to a readily accepting world.

At the 2024 Olympics, ideology was clearly more important than biology. If your birth certificate and passport say you're female or woman, then you can compete in single-sex female sports. Heck, if you say you identify as a woman, then that should be enough too, because gender identity is brain-based and innate. Your word should be believed, because there's no other proof.

But single-sex sports were created to guarantee safety and fairness. So you can't trust what's on the birth certificate, in the passport or what the person says. People can lie and documents can be forged. Nowadays, we also know that trans, intersex and DSD peeps exist.

At the 2024 Olympics, they seemed to believe that biology is something that changes with time like ideology, because they asked for scientific proof. But biology hasn't changed. XX-chrom is still female. The male body is still different than the female body. Men still have competitive advantages, because they're stronger, have bigger muscles, bigger lungs, higher bone density, etc.

Maxine Blythin is a trans-woman cricket player. She had a batting average of 15 when playing on the men’s team, but averages 124 playing in the women’s team.

It's amazing how the rights of a tiny group is forcefully imposed on others. Biological women, which form a huge portion of the world's population, fought many years for certain rights and now they will lose them all because of a tiny group. After finally getting several rights that puts them almost at the same level as men, they will lose them all again to biological men who think they're women.

IMO, since there are way more biological women than trans-women, the rights of biological women should be prioritized. Unlike trans-women, biological women can't choose to compete with biological men. Trans-man keep competing with biological women. So why can't trans-women keep competing with biological men?

Transgenderism leads to a new form of misogyny

In an interview on "America Reports", Riley Gaines, a 12-time All-American and five-time SEC champion, urged the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) to make separate locker rooms for transgender athletes, recounting her own discomfort when she was exposed to Lia Thomas' "male genitalia" in a women's locker room after a meet.

"We were not forewarned beforehand that we would be sharing a locker room with Lia. We did not give our consent, they did not ask for our consent, but in that locker room we turned around, and there’s a 6’4" biological man dropping his pants and watching us undress, and we were exposed to male genitalia," Gaines said.

"That to me was worse than the competition piece. Not even probably a year, two years ago, this would have been considered some form of sexual assault, voyeurism. But now not even are they just allowing it to happen, it’s almost as if these large organizations are encouraging it to happen.

"Of course, after NCAA championships, the NCAA then nominated Thomas for NCAA Woman of the Year, so we [they] are celebrating this movement. This is not something that happened by chance on a one-off basis. They are encouraging [biological] men to compete in women’s sports."

The fact that biological men can refuse trans-men in their sports while biological women can't refuse trans-women in their sports, shows a whole new form of, let's say, misogyny. Heck, nobody talks about gay men refusing trans-men, but there's a lot of talk about lesbians refusing trans-women. OMG!

As Sarah Ditum writes in the New Statesman, ‘A lesbian who refuses to consider a trans woman as a sexual partner is guilty of denying that trans woman’s gender identity. Online, such women are derided as “vagina fetishists” and transphobes.'

In July 2018, a group of lesbians protested against what they perceived to be the erasure of their identity at the annual London Pride March. One of the protesters argued: ‘A man cannot be a lesbian, a person with a penis cannot be a lesbian.’

Lesbians are female human beings who are sexually attracted to other female human beings. They don't like P. It's not the gender identity they are attracted to. They're attracted specifically to the female sex or V. Lesbians are biological women who are sexually attracted to people with female rather than male anatomy – and this continues to be the case even if those male bodied people identify as women.

Wow, men found a new way to take away biological women's rights and identity. This is a new way to belittle biological women by putting the rights of a tiny group (of men) above theirs. When biological women complain, they're called trans-phobic, haters and bigots. This is a new way to silence biological women. You can't speak about the very important rights that you're losing out of fear of being canceled or fired. Soon, there will be nothing left for biological women.

Trans-women take biological women's medals. Trans-women will win woman of the year awards. Trans-women are appointed in organizations and political parties to speak on behalf of women and make policies specifically for women. Lesbians are called trans-phobic if they refuse a trans-woman. Male rapists and abusers can become a trans-woman and be placed in a female prison. You can avoid becoming some man's b*tch in the male prison by becoming a trans-woman and turn into the play-boy in the female prison. So male criminals can avoid a lot by becoming a woman. Heck, the female prison can become a paradise.

This was made apparent in the case of David Thompson, a convicted paedophile and rapist, who was jailed for life in the early 2000s. He was also on remand for grievous bodily harm, burglary, multiple rapes and other sexual offences against women. In September 2017, Thompson, now identifying as a woman called Karen White, was moved to a women’s prison. Once there, he sexually assaulted a number of female inmates.

Demi Minor, a transgender inmate, has been transferred out of the only women’s prison in New Jersey after impregnating two female inmates. Minor, who is serving a 30-year prison sentence for manslaughter, impregnated the fellow inmates following consensual sexual relationships.

Genitals vs Chromosomes

Some people believe that the genital determines if a person is female or male. Well, unless it looks really unusual, that’s what the doctor will use to tell your parents boy or girl and that’s what will be on your birth certificate. Whatever is going on with your chroms will be discovered when you hit puberty.

But having a P won’t give you a deep voice, facial hair etc. What causes all that is the XY-chrom. The XY-chroms will activate the sex hormone/testosterone when you hit puberty. Heck, it is the thing that will make your P get bigger. If you use puberty blockers the second you hit puberty, your P will remain really small, which will make gender-affirming surgery later very difficult. Apparently, there won’t be enough tissue to create a V.

Anyway, the sexual organ (P or V) is there for you to pee, have sex and orgasms. Biological women also have it for their period and to give birth. The sexual organ doesn’t affect your body (muscle mass, bone density, strength, voice, menstrual cycle, etc.) in any way.

So in single-sex sports, someone shouldn’t be allowed to participate in the female category just because they have a V. The whole point of single-sex sports is to guarantee a fair and safe competition. Therefore, one should look at things that can give biological and non-biological women an unfair advantage and maybe endanger others. So they should pay attention to:

  • steroids or medication that can affect performance
  • high level of testosterone in biological women, caused by PCO or CAH
  • biological women who used puberty blockers and then continued with gender-affirming hormone therapy (testosterone)
  • biological men (trans-women) who didn't use puberty blockers
  • biological men (V+XY-chrom), raised as female because they're Intersex/DSD, but don't have CAIS or PAIS

Sex/Female vs Gender/Woman

To keep it very simple, you can’t identify as female, but you can identify as a woman. Female refers to the sex (V), reproductive system and XX-chroms. Those things fall under biology, which doesn't change.

Woman, on the other hand, refers to gender identity, not the sex. Both female and male human beings can identify as woman. So a woman can have a V or a P as her sex and XX or XY as her chroms. This type of thing falls under ideology (transgenderism), which can change with time.

Apparently, in 2022, there were 7.95 billion people living on Earth, 4.0 billion were men and 3.95 billion were women. Apparently, fewer than 1% of the worldwide population are transgender, with figures ranging from <0.1% to 0.6%.

For centuries, the terms girl and woman referred to the female human being. For centuries, the terms boy and man referred to the male human being. But now these terms should be redefined to include a minuscule group. Are they serious? Well, they can forget it. I, for one, will refer to a trans-person as either trans-woman or trans-men, because that's there gender. Hopefully, said person has a name so I can use her or his name.

  • female = XX-chrom < > gender girl for child and woman for adult
  • male = XY-chrom < > gender boy for child and man for adult
  • trans female to male = still XX-chroms < > gender trans-boy for child and trans-man for adult
  • trans male to female = still XY-chroms < > gender trans-girl for child and trans-woman for adult

With that said, now that we kind of know the allege difference between sex and gender, female and woman, we can say that only biological women (XX-chrom) aka female human beings should be allowed to participate in single-sex sports for women or females. The word is single-sex, not single-gender, which would allow both sex. Since we know intersex/DSD peeps exist, the XX-chrom is important, not the sexual organ or the reproductive system.

Anyway, there are some peeps out there who have a very, let's say, extreme way of thinking about sex and gender. Some believe that the two sexes are the two extremes of a spectrum. So the sex can change or is fluid. Some compare humans with animals that can change sex or use tribal beliefs to explain why some believe they're in the wrong body. Some believe that there is no difference between the sexes. Some believe that there's only one sex or no sex at all or there are many sexes. Some believe that Intersex and DSD peeps are evolution’s first steps in turning human beings into a unisexual species.

IMO, some peeps are making something very simple very complex. It's very simple to determine that the human species have two sexes (a canal and a duct). You should just look at the reproductive system, which is very important for the continuation of any species.

On the one hand, there is a type of human being who has ovaries with eggs, a womb and birth canal. For the heck of it, let's call this type of human being female and the sexual organ V, shall we? She/her.

On the other hand, there is a type of human being who has a duct to transfer sperm, made by his testis, inside the female to help fertilize her eggs. For the heck of it, let's call this type of human being male and the sexual organ P, shall we? He/his.

For those who think there’s no sex, there’s only one sex or there are many sexes: No, there is clearly two. For those who think you can have both sexes: Yes, some peeps do have both. These peeps used to be called hermaphrodite. Now this condition falls under Intersex. Apparently, some hermaphrodite can have just both sexual organs (V and P), some may (also) have both XY and XX-chroms, some may (also) have ovarian and testicular tissue and some may (also) have ovary and a testis in the case of genetic mosaicism.

But an extremely small group has both sexes. There are humans who are born with one lung, one kidney, three nipples, six fingers, no legs, no arms etc.. So? A very small group is born that way. Are they evolution too?

It is also pointless to use tribal beliefs and/or to compare humans to fish to explain trans, non-binary, gender fluid, intersex and DSD peeps.

Firstly, according to new definitions/ideologies, gender is the thing that can change or can be fluid. Then why is the sex of a fish used? The sex doesn't change, unless the anatomy of the species allows it. The anatomy of a human being doesn't allow the sex to change or be fluid. The sex of a human being can only change with the help of surgery and medication. Even with surgery and medication, it still doesn't completely change. You get something that resembles the sex that you want. And you'll have certain secondary sex characteristics belonging to that sex as long as you keep taking the medications.

So a human being can't do what a clown fish does (starts as male, then change into female), what a kobudai does (starts as female, then change into male), what a goby does (change sex back and forth) or what a killifish does (both sex at the same time). These fishes can do all that stuff naturally. They don't need surgery and medications.

As a human being, you can identify with whatever you want, but your body won't change. You can change your clothes, your hair style and the way you behave. That's it. For physical changes, you need surgery and medication.

Secondly, let me emphasize that gender dysphoria (gender incongruence) is not considered a mental illness anymore, but that might change if peeps start using tribal beliefs, such as the spirit world, to explain gender dysphoria or that trans and non-binary peeps existed since ancient times. This is reaching.

Besides the spirit world, many tribes believe in (white/black) magic/voodoo, supernatural beings etc. Many tribes believe that a certain tribe member can communicate with the spirit world. This tribe member can also summon a spirit and be a temporary vessel for that spirit. Many times, tribe members drink or smoke stuff that can send them into a trance. That can make you experience all kinds of things that aren't real, like the spirit world.

Anyway, some tribes believe that the spirit may not always match the body or that two spirits can inhabit one body. For example, a female spirit can inhabit a male body or a female and a male spirit can inhabit a female body. But the spirit world belief just shows that such belief existed for a long time, not that tans etc. peeps really existed since ancient times.

Just like the spirit world belief can't be confirmed, gender dysphoria can't be confirmed either. There are many kids and adults with some form of autism, bipolar disorder, multiple personality disorder etc. being misdiagnosed as having gender dysphoria.

Tribe peeps don't really believe in mental issues, now, do they? So how do we know that ancient tribe peeps with the wrong spirit or with two spirits weren't just peeps with a different mental issue than gender dysphoria?

Anyway, gender dysphoria is all in the person's head. Nobody else can see what's going on in another person's head. Some mental issues do manifest in a way that others can see, but I don't think gender dysphoria manifest that way, because it's a believe/feeling that the person has. You believe/feel you're in the wrong body. Not all tom-boy girls and effeminate boys that you can clearly see with your eyes believe/feel they're in the wrong body and want to change gender.. Heck, even the person experiencing gender dysphoria should be very careful. Maybe something else is causing that believe/feeling.

What goes on with Intersex and DSD peeps isn't brain-based and innate. Their body really doesn't have the right combination of sex-reproductive system-chroms (among possible other things that don't fit the typical binary notion), which could cause serious health and fertility problems.

Imagine your parents are raising you as a boy, because you have a P. In reality, you're female, because you have XX-chroms and a female reproductive system without the birth canal aka V. When you hit puberty and the XX-chroms start making sex hormones, that will activate your reproductive system. You can pee, but you can't bleed with a penis. Yeah, a trip to the emergency room fast, because you aint no fish.

Maybe Intersex and DSD peeps are some sort of evolution experiment. Maybe with time Intersex and DSD peeps won't have any health and fertility problems anymore, because evolution has made all kinds of combination of sex-reproductive system-chroms possible. Intersex and DSD will becom the norm. Humans may indeed become like those fishes. But until that happens, if it ever happens, Intersex and DSD peeps are human beings with the wrong combination of sex characteristics, including chromosome patterns, gonads or genitals that do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies.

A V doesn’t mean you’re a woman

These days, you can’t say women prefer a certain tampon or sanitary pad, because trans-men also use those things. But I said women, which is the plural of woman. Aren't you a man now? Why do you care? Nope! If you insist, you’re discriminating. You’ll be called trans-phobic, hater, bigot and God knows what else.

These days, you can’t say women prefer a certain tampon or sanitary pad, because trans-women don’t use those things. But I said women, which is the plural of woman. You’re a trans-woman. Everybody knows that trans-women don't bleed. No matter how much gender-affirming hormone you take, you will never bleed! You need more than a fake vagina to bleed. Nope! If you insist, you’re discriminating. You’ll be called trans-phobic, hater, bigot and God knows what else.

But the period falls under biology, not ideology. It's cleanly part of the female reproductive system. It can only be activated by the XX-chroms. And you need the birth canal aka V, which the cervix connects to the womb, to bleed. Trans-women don't have any of that. So they should get over it and quit complaining when a commercial about tampon or sanitary pad say that women have a V. Females can identify as women too, remember? And when we're talking biology, there are things that are single-sex.

Seriously, biological women can’t catch a break, can they? So not all human beings with a V are women (trans-men) and not all human beings without a V are not women (trans-women). So why in single-sex sports someone is considered a woman because the doctor saw a V when they were born and put female on their birth certificate? Not all human beings with a V are women, remember? Jesus Christ!

Also, it's called single-sex, not single-gender. Single-sex clearly refers to one of the two sexes – female or male. So females who identify as women can compete. I guess females who identify as men can switch. Oh, wait, they don't have to. They never stopped competing in the female categories.

Everybody should use the right pronouns, be careful to not confuse sex with gender and avoid assigning women a V and men a P. Well, don't call a sport single-sex if both sex can participate. Call it single-gender. I hope biological women refuse to compete.

Anyway, like with sports, trans-men don't detach themselves completely from their female beginnings/make-up. Besides keep competing with females, they want you to remember that they bleed too when you're making a commercial for tampon or sanitary pad, even though they're men. One would think, if you're a man, you wouldn't want to be associated with that very female thing. Heck, even biological women want to forget that monthly annoyance. Now you're trying to be a man, but you want to remember the monthly bleeding? If you're a man that bleeds, shouldn't you keep it on the down-low?

Trans-men also seem to refrain from using the word ejaculation. They seem to remember that they have no prostate and seminal vesicles to do so. Apparently, it has been scientifically established that only biological men and male animals can ejaculate. What comes out of their P is semen, which contains sperm. The fluid that comes out of a trans-man's surgically created P is the same fluid that would come out of the urethra if they ever squirted when they had a V.

Squirting (gushing) is a sudden expulsion of liquid that comes from the bladder through the urethra (the pee hole). The expulsed liquid contains urine. But a recent study has shown that the squirt of some women also contains a little bit of fluid secretion from the skene’s glands, which have the same material as a man's prostate (prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and PSA phosphatase, two enzymes that can be markers of health).

BTW, there's something called female ejaculation, but very little is known about it. Apparently, there have been very few studies about it. But in the scientific community, female ejaculation is characterized as an expulsion of fluid from the skene's gland during or before an orgasm. The expulsed fluid comes out of your V-opening and it's clear or whitish in color with a mucus-like consistency.

Unlike trans-men, trans-women detach themselves completely from their male beginnings/make-up. In sports, they're eager to start competing with females. They want to be female so badly that they want you to remember them when you're making a commercial about tampons or sanitary pads. Some trans-women insist they have periods, even though they have no uterus and ovaries to do so. They insist they go through menopause and experience hormonal fluctuations that causes symptoms similar to PMS.

Of course trans-women will experience change in their hormone level. They get female hormones regularly injected into their male body to keep them looking like a female. Females have PMS, because it's part of their very high-maintenance reproductive system. Biology, not ideology. So whatever symptoms female-hormones-injected-into-the-male-body causes should be called something else. Trans-women should not use the name of something natural and normal to females for whatever it is that they're experiencing or think they're feeling.

BTW, there are biological women who don't bleed, because of a (medical) condition. Conditions that can cause amenorrhea (no bleeding) include hormonal disorders, birth defects and genetic disorders. The use of certain medications can also cause amenorrhea. So trans-women shouldn't pretend they don't bleed because of a medical condition either. What they have isn't a medical condition. Their male anatomy simply doesn't allow them to bleed. Biology, not ideology. As simple as that.

Safety and Fairness vs Inclusion

As stated in the previous chapter, only biological women (XX-chroms) aka female human beings should be allowed in single-sex sports for females. I guess you could have single-gender sports for women (females and males who identify as woman) and single-gender sports for men (females and males who identify as man). Biological women should not participate in single-gender sports for women.

Single-sex female sports were created to guarantee safety and fairness, because it acknowledges the biological differences between the female and male body. Single-gender women sports will clearly ignore the biological differences between the female and male body. So inclusion is more important than safety and fairness. I don't see why any biological woman would participate in something that doesn't care about safety and fairness.

At the 2024 Olympics, inclusion was more important than safety. The arrogant contempt for the safety of biological women is another sign of misogyny (a man explained the boxing issue). Forget about fairness. In all situations, safety goes first. Heck, I think safety first is actually a very popular and important saying. So safety first, but not in sports while single-sex sports were created to guarantee safety and fairness.

Payton McNabb was only 17 when a ball spiked by a transgender opponent knocked her unconscious. According to the volleyball player, the 5'11" trans student "cackled in delight" after she hit the ground. She says his teammates laughed as well. The devastating blow left McNabb with brain damage as well as paralysis on her right side. Walking without falling has been a difficult task for the teen – crushing her dreams of achieving a volleyball college scholarship.

Besides safety, there’s also fairness. Apparently, nowadays, you shouldn't automatically assume that trans-women have an unfair advantage over biological women. Heck, there are trans-women who failed to make it to the top of their fields in the female category.

  • Hannah Mouncey, an Australian women’s handballer and Australian rules footballer, was neither the best performer in her team nor chosen to compete in the World Championships squad.
  • Brazilian volleyball player Tiffany Abreu did not make her country’s Olympic roster for the Tokyo Games.
  • Nikki Hiltz did not make Olympic roster of the United States’ track and field team.
  • Chelsea Wolfe, a cyclist, only made it as a reserve for the U.S. squad of the women’s BMX Freestyle.

Firstly, nature works in mysterious ways. There's always a spectrum, because there are always two extremes in almost everything. However, most of the time, the majority of peeps are somewhere in the middle of most spectra/spectrums. For example, there are peeps who (almost) never get sick while there are peeps who constantly get sick. There are freakishly strong biological men and women while there are weirdly weak biological men and women.

Secondly, because you love a certain sport, that doesn't automatically mean you'll be good. You may love swimming and you may be a good swimmer, but you still need the right combination of stamina and speed to succeed in a competition.

Everybody's aware that extremes exist and that it is possible to not be good at what you want to do or love. Everybody also knows that most males are stronger than females. If just a few males were stronger than females, biological women wouldn’t be advised to walk around with pepper spray and a whistle in their purse.

No biological woman, even when they're stronger than every other biological woman, would or should think they're as strong or stronger than most biological men they come across. The chance that you're as strong or stronger than the biological man that's trying to assault you is very small.

So why in sports should everybody suddenly assume that non-biological women are as strong or weaker than biological women? That kind of thinking goes against every thing.

I'm willing to believe that training, nutrition and rest play an important role in competitions. But nobody should enter the competition with an unfair advantage. If you allow that, than the competition will rely solely on luck. The one in disadvantage should hope the one with the unfair advantage didn't train, eat and rest well.

BTW, luck plays a role in fair competitions too. If nobody has an unfair advantage, you can still hope you're lucky your opponent didn't train, eat and rest well. If your opponent did train, eat and rest well, then you should hope you're a bit stronger, faster, astuter, have better techniques etc. And those are important in a fair competitions. You want to know who's the best between/among equals. Age, weight, sex can be very important in certain sports.

Body vs Identity

At the 2024 Olympics, identity was more important than body while the body is what you're using to compete in any sports, not your identity. You can identify as Satanist, as fascist, as Martian, as Neanderthal, as whatever fancy sexual orientation is all the rage, none of that stuff will affect the effect your chroms (XX or XY) have or had on your body.

Your identity becomes a problem when what you identify with means that your new outer body doesn’t match your inside or your chroms. If you're a male who identifies as a woman, your new body (altered by surgeries and hormones) still won't match your chroms. Your new female appearance won't undo the effect your chroms (XY) had on your body during puberty.

Judging by what happened at the 2024 Olympics, if someone identifies as woman, then everybody should respect that. That person should be allowed to do everything that females do and be allowed in all spaces that are only for females. If that person is refused, that will be considered discrimination and trans-phobic.

Now, let’s say there’s a way to allow non-biological women safely into spaces only for biological women. I guess it can be done. Security? Curtain for screen in locker rooms? But what about the advantages that going through male puberty gives non-biological women?

TBH, I can’t think of a way to take away the advantages that going through male puberty gives non-biological women. Medication to lower your testosterone won’t change the fact that you’re built with all the advantages that the male make-up gives you. The male make-up is what you get when you go through male puberty, which is what you’ll go through when you have XY-chroms.

If you use puberty blockers, you won’t go through puberty. The medication will stop the body from making sex hormones (testosterone and estrogen), which affect the development of primary and secondary sex characteristics.

If you stop using puberty blockers, your puberty will start. So you should start immediately with gender-affirming hormone therapy. That means that you should start taking hormones that match your gender identity.

Apparently, those who used puberty blockers and under went gender-affirming hormone therapy may have serious problems with their overall growth, bone density, fertility etc. So it’s no fun. I'm not heartless. I do sympathize.

But until some genius out there comes up with a way to change someone’s make-up aka body after they’ve already gone through male puberty, when it comes to sports, the body is more important than the identity.

BTW, if identity is more important than body, doesn’t that mean that someone can identify as whatever they want? Besides the sex, race and age are also something of the body, aren’t they?

There are people who identify as a different race than the one they were born into. It’s called trans-racial. So if a trans-racial person apply for a certain, let's say, financial aid specifically for the race they want to be but are not, should that person get the financial aid?

There are young people who talk and act way more mature than their age. Heck, they might be smarter than adults too. Is that age progression, because age regression is the opposite, I think. Anyway, if a 12yo girl says she’s 32 because she strongly feels she’s an old spirit in a young body and/or is a little female Einstein, should she be able to sleep with a 32yo man without getting that man in trouble or be able to get a driver's license (16/18), vote (18), drink (18/21) or sign contracts (18)?

So… where should the madness stop in a world where identity is above body?

Men shouldn’t decide in matters about females

When the talk is about abortion, many are quick to say to leave things about a woman’s body to women. Correction! Nowadays, we should say to leave things about a biological woman’s body to biological women or leave things about the female body to females. Yep, let’s stick with the latter, shall we?

Female sports and female spaces (locker rooms and bathrooms) aren’t part of the female body, but this is about the safety of the female body.

Many females don’t want to keep an unwanted child. I don’t think there are any females who would want to get raped/sexually harassed or get severely injured by a male opponent while practicing a sport.

One could say that you can prevent getting pregnant (condoms, birth control pills/injection, abstinence etc.). So if you get pregnant, you shouldn't be allowed to kill the human growing inside you. Is your body, but the new life inside of you should be protected like any other life.

When the talk is about the safety of the female body, can you prevent getting raped/sexually harassed in the female bathroom and locker room? Well, you can avoid being alone in those spaces or they can put a security guard.

Can you prevent getting severely injured by a male opponent while practicing a sport? IMO, no, you cannot. Your focus should be on winning the game. You shouldn't have to worry, for example, about staying away from the male opponent in the other team.

At the 2024 Olympics, a woman came forward to apologize for the disturbing opening ceremony, but a man had to explain why two biological males were allowed to compete in female boxing, which is a single-sex sport. Suddenly, in 2024, nobody knows what a woman is. Suddenly, nobody ever heard of biology. Suddenly, nobody knows the difference between biology, ideology, body and identity.

The 2024 Olympics know all that stuff, but they simply just didn’t care. It looks like the women in the committee are just ornament. In reality, they probably don’t have any saying or they probably just agree with men to not lose their position or to look like they think the same as men.

Females in sports don’t get the same respect, recognition, pay and sponsors as males. Soccer dominates here on the continent, right? Good male players get paid millions. Brands are willing to throw millions at them too. Lots of money is invested in male soccer. Nobody cares about female soccer. It’s starting to become popular, but don’t think countless millions are invested in it.

Biological women fought and are still fighting for respect, recognition, decent pay and sponsors. But what’s the point? At this rate, all the medals will be won by non-biological women. Records will be achieved by non-biological women.

As written under Trans man athletes, females who identify as man (trans-men) keep competing with other females. So isn't it weird that males who identify as woman (trans-women) immediately want to compete with females?

Trans-man aren't forced to compete with biological men and the single-sex sports for males aren't forced to accept them. Trans-man are allowed to choose, but the categories for males aren't obligated to accept them. Suddenly, safety is very important in single-sex sports for males.

The same can't be said for single-sex sports for females. Biological women are forced to compete with trans-women and the categories for females are forced to accept them. Suddenly, safety isn't important. Heck, as a biological woman, you should accept a trans-woman walking around with her P on full display in your locker room. I really want to know if trans-men walk around with their V on full display in the male locker room.

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Hindustan Times: During the Olympics, the 25-year-old boxer received backlash from a number of prominent individuals, including former US President Donald Trump, novelist J.K. Rowling, and tech billionaire Musk, who had reposted a remark on X that stated, "Absolutely," implying that “men don't belong in women's sports.”
Author J.K. Rowling of the Harry Potter series labelled Khelif a “man” who was “enjoying the distress of a woman he's just punched in the head”. At the same time, Trump shared a photo of her fight with Carini on social media, writing, “I will keep men out of women's sports!”

Daily Mail

Imane Khelif's trainer admits 'problem with chromosomes' after boxer took gold: 'This poor young girl was devastated'

The coach of controversial Olympic Gold medalist Imane Khelif has let slip that a 'problem with chromosomes' prompted boxing chiefs to ban her from women's competition last year.

The International Boxing Association (IBA) disqualified her after conducting medical tests which suggested the powerful welterweight was 'biologically male'.

But the Algerian brushed aside all opposition after being allowed to compete as a woman by the Olympics, simply because it said 'woman' in her passport.

Now her coach, Georges Cazorla, has confirmed that the tests identified 'a problem with hormones' and 'with chromosomes', suggesting that she may have the XY gender chromosomes typical of a man.

'This poor young girl was devastated, devastated to suddenly discover that she might not be a girl,' he told French magazine Le Point.

Now Spanish national coach Rafa Lozano has revealed that Khelif was considered too dangerous to pair with women at a boxing retreat in Madrid ahead of the Olympics.

'They were doing a retreat at Blume and we couldn't put her with anyone,' he told Radio Marca.

'We put her with Jennifer Fernandez and it hurt her. Whoever we put her with was injured.'

He said coaches only found a match for her after pairing her up with Jose Quiles, one of Spain's leading male boxers.

'I don't see it as fair,' he said. 'Everyone can think what they want, but that's how I see it.'

But the success of Khelif, and of Taiwan's Gold medalist Lin Yu-Ting, has brought intense pressure on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to tighten up who can compete in its women's categories.

The organization has not conducted chromosomal tests since 1999, and stopped testing for elevated testosterone levels in 2021 after concluding that they prevented 'fairness, inclusion and non-discrimination on the basis of gender identify and sex variation'.

[Angela] Carini was not the first former opponent to testify to the power of Khelif's punches.

Mexican boxer Brianda Tamara Cruz said she was lucky to escape with her life after sharing a ring with the Algerian at the Golden Belt Series Finals in Guadalajara in 2022.

'When I fought her, I felt it was very out of my reach, I was hurt a lot by the punches,' she said.

'I think I had never in my 13 years as a boxer felt like this, not even in my sparring with men.

'Thank God, that day I came out of the ring well.'


Daily Mail

Hergie Bacyadan: Female Paris Olympics boxer who identifies as a man calls for fighters who fail gender tests like Imane Khelif and Lin Yu-ting to be BANNED from the Olympics

Hergie Bacyadan identifies as a man. He fought against women at the Paris Olympics without any outrage or fanfare - and now he wants athletes who fail gender testing to be banned from competitive boxing.

Lin is not transgender and Khelif has reportedly said she is not intersex, but their admission has created a hotbed of social media debate over whether they should be allowed to compete against biological women.

Hergie Bacyadan is, by her own admission, the only transgender boxer competing at the Paris Olympics.

The Philippines fighter identifies as a trans man and was permitted to compete in Paris by the IOC, losing to defending Asian Games champion and Tokyo silver medalist Li Quan of China - a biological woman - in his opening bout.

'It's sad to think of losing, but I'm still very thankful that I got to the Olympics,' he wrote on Instagram at the time.

'It's a big deal to me.'

That occasion came and went without the attention [Imane] Khelif and [Lin] Yu-ting have attracted.

Bacyadan said athletes with the male chromosome and elevated levels of testosterone should not be permitted to fight biological females.

While Bacyadan identifies as a man, he has never formally transitioned and has not undergone hormone therapy.

'Will never take 'T' [testosterone] and will never be on 'T' but I still consider myself as a Transman because my heart says so,' he posted on Instagram.

Bacyadan's coaching staff still refer to him as 'she' and 'her' and assert that the fighter is 100 per cent biologically female.

A Filipino translator said: 'She is competing in the women's division but in her heart and mind, when she is outside the boxing ring, is like a man.

Asked if XY athletes should be allowed to compete against women, Bacyadan said: 'In sparring it's OK, but if they have XY chromosomes in competition, they should abide by the rules.'

Bacyadan added on social media: 'I am trans at heart, but I did not take any hormones or steroids to look like a man. If I compete in the women's division, I don't think there's an issue.'


Pagliacci The Hated

I absolutely despise essay-posting but as the co-owner of the outlet (@ReduxxMag) that broke the news about Khelif and Lin and started this wildfire, I feel compelled to put to bed some of the bullsh*t surrounding this story.

A rapid-fire FAQ:

1. "L & K are just women with high testosterone!"

Khelif and Lin were never tested for their testosterone levels.

The claims that they were disqualified from the 2023 Women's World Boxing Championship due to simple testosterone abnormalities were made by their respective national sporting bodies, who, obviously, have some motivation to lie here.

2. "L & K have female ID!"

Khelif and Lin are not believed to be transgender, and @ReduxxMag made that VERY clear in our July 28 article.

They are believed to be impacted by a Difference of Sexual Development, in which there is a developmental abnormality in secondary sex characteristics. This is a medical condition which can manifest with children being born with ambiguous or disfigured genitalia. Male children impacted by DSDs are often "assigned female at birth" due to these genital defects, as there is a genuine assumption they are girls.

Thus, their identification documents would be completely irrelevant in this case. As is the fact they were "raised as girls." That's entirely expected for male children with DSDs.

Even more so for male children with DSDs in socially conservative countries.

Is a boy without a penis more likely to be raised as a boy or a girl? Exactly.

3. "The IBA never said they had XY chromosomes!"

On March 25, 2023, IBA President Umar Kremlev said that the boxers disqualified at the championships had XY chromosomes. He said this in a statement to TASS News.

There were only two boxers disqualified at the championships: Lin and Khelif.

4. "But Kremlev could be lying!"

Over the last 72 hours, the IBA has released two separate statements confirming that Khelif and Lin were not subject to testosterone testing, but had instead been subjected to a separate test validated by two independent laboratories.

That test confirmed they were not eligible to compete in women's boxing as per the IBA guidelines.

Crucially, the IBA defines "woman" as "an individual with XX chromosomes." In their guidelines, they also indicate that the gender tests they use to determine if a person is eligible to compete with women is a chromosomal test, not a hormone test.

In their second statement, the IBA condemned the IOC for allowing Khelif and Lin to proceed as they believed it was putting female boxers at risk and that they did not support "boxing between the genders."

5. "Why doesn't the IBA release the test!"

They cannot. It is protected medical information. They would be sued.

Khelif and Lin, however, can agree to have the laboratories release those tests themselves... Why haven't they?

6. "The IBA didn't let L & K appeal their disqualification!"

Yes they did. They have no choice in the matter. The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) is a fully independent tribunal which oversees all disputes in elite athletics. Every athlete has a right to bring a case to the CAS.

Lin did not challenge the disqualification.

Khelif challenged the disqualification but withdrew the appeal before it could proceed through the court.

Please ask yourself why. If they were genuinely female, why would they have chosen to refuse their opportunity to establish that in an irrefutable and legally binding way at a fully independent venue? Literally none of this would have happened had they simply submitted their tests to the CAS.

Buuuut... Consider that all decisions at the CAS are public information. It was through a CAS challenge that the world became aware that Caster Semenya had XY chromosomes, for example.

If Khelif and Lin had proceeded through the CAS, there would have been irrefutable evidence, documented by an independent body, that they were either male or female.

So why? Why did they not want the CAS to examine their tests? Why did they not want this information to be public? I think the reason is obvious.

7. "But the IOC approved their eligibility for 2024!"

The IOC stopped sex testing athletes in 1999. Since then, they have deferred to individual sporting bodies to ensure athletes were eligible.

HOWEVER, for the purposes of the 2024 Paris Olympics, there is no formal oversight body for boxing. This is the first time this ever happened.

As a result, the IOC created an ad-hoc boxing unit to temporarily oversee the boxing competitions in Paris. This unit has no guidelines for gender eligibility, and has apparently just been allowing boxers to compete "as females" if they have female gender markers on their passports/legal documents.

8. "The IBA is corrupt and cannot be trusted!"

The IOC has long had an issue with the IBA because the IBA has refused to disqualify Russian athletes on the basis of their national identity.

Claims of the IBA's "corruption" can basically be summarized to "Russia bad, Russians evil." The IBA has literally no history of bullshitting about the sex of boxers involved and it doesn't benefit them in any kind of way to do so.

9. "The IBA only disqualified L & K because they beat Russian boxers at the 2023 championships!"

No they did not. I started seeing this weird, completely false claim circulating over the last 24 hours.

Khelif beat Thailand's Janjaem Suwannapheng and was set to compete against China's Yang Liu for gold in the Welterweight category.

Lin beat Bulgaria's Svetlana Kamenova Staneva for bronze in the Featherweight category.

They were scheduled to fight no Russian boxers in either one of their categories, and only one Russian boxer won a gold medal in the entire championship (Anastasiia Demurchian, Light Middleweight).

India won the most gold medals (4) at the 2023 Women's Championship. China won the most medals overall (7). Kazakhstan won the second most medals overall (6). Russia only won 3 medals at the championship.

Also worth noting that another Taiwanese boxer, Huang Hsiao-wen, won gold in the Bantamweight category. So for all the Taiwanese mouthpieces claiming Lin's disqualification was just "discrimination against Taiwan"... lol no.

10. "L & K were only singled out because they don't look feminine!"

This idea that Lin and Khelif were singled out for not meeting some "western feminine beauty standard" is atrocious and quite easily refutable when you look at literally any of their competitors, most of whom do not meet that arbitrary standard themselves because boxing is a physically demanding sport for robust people, male or female.

Below is Khadija El-Mardi of Morocco, for example, who likely would be accused of failing to meet this supposed "western feminine beauty standard." El-Mardi won gold in the Heavyweight category at the 2023 World Championships. She is advancing to the quarter-finals in Paris as we speak. She's one of the best female boxers out there.

She is a woman. Her features and tall stature literally do not matter. She is biologically female. Sex testing would return an XX.

Women are adult human females. This is true regardless of their external appearance.

Likewise, men are adult human males. This is true regardless of abnormalities or defects in their secondary sex characteristics.


To return to point #10 in this post, this appears to now be the narrative that is being manufactured in real time - that Khelif was somehow simply being “punished” for beating a Russian boxer in the 2023 championships.

Note how the AP frames this. They make it seem as though Khelif was disqualified after beating Amineva.

In reality, the AP had to go back TWO MATCHES to find where Khelif had fought a Russian. After besting Amineva, Khelif went on to beat Uzbekistan’s Navbakhor Khamidova, and then Thailand’s Janjaem Suwannapheng. Khelif was disqualified just before facing off against China’s Yang Liu.

No Russian advanced to the finals of this match. The Russian boxer didn’t even came close to it. Disqualifying Khelif wouldn’t have advanced the Russian boxer to a favourable position.

Further, multiple other boxers very easily beat Russian opponents and advanced to win gold without any such problems. Such as Morocco’s Khadija El-Mardi in the heavyweight, who directly beat Russia’s Diana Pyatak for a spot in the gold match that she would ultimately win.

Other Russian boxers were left in the dust in other categories where they didn’t even end up placing at all. Yet no other boxers were “punished” for directly beating these Russian competitors.

It also doesn’t mesh for Lin Yu-Ting, who never matched against a single Russian boxer.

This new narrative they’re inventing is borderline schizophrenic.


REDUXX @ReduxxMag


The International Boxing Association is holding a press conference in Paris to address the issues surrounding Algerian boxer Imane Khelif and Taiwanese boxer Lin Yu-Ting.

Highlights so far:

*Both boxers were initially subjected to a chromosomal test by an independent laboratory in Istanbul after the IBA received complaints from coaches and competitors during the 2022 Women's World Boxing Championships.

*Both boxers were re-tested in India again during the 2023 Women's World Boxing Championships to clarify and confirm prior results.

*Both boxers were found to have XY chromosomes [male karyotype].

*Both boxers were informed of the results of the tests in writing.

*Both boxers were given the opportunity to appeal the findings to the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

*The IBA offered to pay for the majority of the costs to allow both boxers to appeal.

*Lin Yu-Ting did not appeal the decision.

*Imane Khelif appealed the decision, and then withdrew the appeal.


Alan Abrahamson, an award winning sportswriter and previous columnist for NBC Sports says that he has seen the tests and letter in which the IBA concluded that the boxer, Imane Khelif has DNA which is that “of a male consisting of XY chromosomes.” 1/


Two separate tests were taken. One in India in 2023 at the World Championships in New Delhi and a prior test in Turkey in 2022.

The IBA (International Boxing Assoc) sent a letter to the IOC (Intl Olympic Comm) on June 5, 2023 informing them of the results of those tests. 2/


On Saturday morning, IOC president Thomas Bach said “What we see now is that some want to own the definition of who is a woman, and there I can only invite them to come up with a scientific-based new definition of who is a woman and how can somebody being born, raised, competed and having a passport as a woman cannot be considered a woman?” 3/


Except we know now they were sent that letter.

Mr Abrahamson explains:

“The New Delhi lab reports for both Khelif and Lin say the same thing: Result Summary: “Abnormal”

Interpretation: “Chromosomal analysis reveals Male karyotype.” 4/


He continues:

“The lab results for each athlete depict the XY chromosomes photographically.” 5/


The IBA disqualified two athletes.

The IOC asserts both athletes were DQ’d without due process by the IBA.

Yet T hey were given a chance to appeal the decisions. Yu Ting Lin did not appeal to the Swiss based court of arbitration. Khelif did but later withdrew the appeal. 6/


The letter of June 2023 from the IBA to the IOC, (referring solely to Khelif) states in part “We are kindly writing to offer our support and cooperation on the matter as it directly impacts the safety of our boxers and the integrity of the [competition] results. In confidence, the IBA can share that Imane Khelif was disqualified from the IBA Women’s World Boxing Championships 2023 in New Delhi for breaching the IBA Technical and Competition Rules and was not medically eligible to participate in the event as a female boxer.” 7/


The letter directs the IOC to the attached lab reports. 8/


Mr. Abrahamson writes at 3 Wire Sports. This is but a snippet of the evidence he lays out. This is a must read.


Again, he states he has seen the tests.


There's a soccer team of trans-men players. Yay!


The players look like guys. So that's commendable. Hopefully, they're just trans-men and not trans-masculine. Yeah, there's something called trans-masculine, which refers to trans-men who had Masculinizing Gender Affirming Surgeries (MGAS).

MGAS are for trans-men looking to change their bodies physically to have typically male characteristics.

Well, there are too many horror stories about MGAS and I couldn't find one success story. IMO, trans-men should just use a Stand To Pee device to urinate standing up. Some are made of silicone and look like realistic penises while others are made of plastic and are purely functional.

Anyway, the team of trans-men lost 19-0 against a team of cis-gender males or XY-men, as we call them around here. It looks like the team of trans-men really sucks at playing soccer. Maybe they do. But good or bad, in soccer, females will never win against men. Body over identity.

What else does this tell us? This also tells us that no amount of testosterone will erase the competitive disadvantage that the female body has when competing against humans with a male body.

So why do trans-women think that female hormones will erase the competitive advantages that the male body has when competing against humans with a female body?

Anyway, according to Google, the name of the team is Fenix FC. But according to @Nuertey11, they have burried the actual name of the team....its called P Rec San Feliu Llobregat C and they are in this league 4ª Catalana Grupo 22

According to Firstpost, Fenix FC competes in the fifth tier in the northwestern region of Catalonia, after being incorporated into a local club in the Barcelona suburb of Sant Feliu de Llobregat.

The performance of P Rec San Feliu Llobregat C is, according to BeSoccer:

  • 0 – 19 09/21/2024 Palleja CF B
  • 0 – 28 09/29/2024 PB Sant Vicenç Horts B
  • 0 – 27 10/06/2024 San Pancracio A

So P Rec San Feliu Llobregat C conceded 74 goals in 3 games without scoring any goals. Right now, the team is in last place (16th). The team in 15th place has conceded 17 goals, but it managed to score 5 goals.

Am I the only one who thinks the gap between 74 and 17 is huge?


Fenix FC Makes History as Europe’s First All-Trans Soccer Team

A groundbreaking moment in European sports unfolded in September when Fenix FC, the continent’s first soccer team comprised entirely of transgender men, made its debut in Spain’s regional league. Despite enduring prejudice and bureaucratic obstacles, Fenix FC achieved federated status, a historic accomplishment for the transgender community and a bold step toward greater inclusion in sports.

Fenix FC, named after the mythological bird symbolizing rebirth, has shattered barriers by becoming the first all-transgender squad to compete in a league in Europe. The team now competes in the fifth tier of the regional league in Catalonia, a northwestern region known for its progressive attitude but also grappling with persistent anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment. Despite losing their first match 19-0, the players and supporters emphasize that the team’s significance far transcends the scoreboard.

“We didn’t create Fenix to win every game,” team founder and player Hugo Martinez, 24, explained. “We created it to build a space where trans men can play football in a safe environment.” The team’s journey to legitimacy, Martinez said, was riddled with challenges—from facing administrative hurdles to overcoming personal trauma from past experiences in cisgender sports teams.

Overcoming Prejudice and Barriers

The formation of Fenix FC was inspired by Martinez’s own painful experiences as a transgender athlete. Before transitioning, Martinez played on a women’s soccer team. However, once he began gender-affirming hormone therapy, he encountered hostility from other players, coaches, and even spectators. He was eventually forced to leave the team as his identity did not match the league’s rigid gender requirements at the time.

“I was a boy playing in the girls’ team, but without an updated ID, I wasn’t allowed to play with the boys either,” Martinez recounted. “The insults and threats from other players and people in the stands made me feel like I had no place to belong.”

In the wake of these experiences, Martinez put out a call online, seeking transgender men who wanted to play soccer in a safe and supportive space. The response was overwhelming, but the road to establishing Fenix FC was not easy. It took three years of effort to organize the team, find a local club that would accept them, and navigate the legalities of joining a regional league.

Catalonia’s regional football association (FA) presented one of the final hurdles. While Spain passed a progressive trans rights bill in 2022, making it easier for individuals to change their legal gender, Martinez and his teammates faced the challenge of gaining federated status under the Catalan FA. In recent years, the FA has allowed mixed-gender participation, which permits players of any gender to compete in men’s leagues, but incorporating an entire team of trans men was unprecedented.

After considerable negotiations, the team was granted federated status, and Fenix FC was officially incorporated into a local club in the Barcelona suburb of Sant Feliu de Llobregat.

Creating a Safe Space for Trans Athletes

For many of the players, the opportunity to join Fenix FC is about more than just playing soccer. It is about belonging to a community and having a safe space where they can be their authentic selves.

Nineteen-year-old team captain Luke Ibanez expressed his apprehensions about playing on a team with cisgender men before joining Fenix FC. “I was scared I wouldn’t fit in or that I might even be subjected to violence,” Ibanez said. “When Hugo told me about his idea for an all-trans team, I immediately said yes.”

Despite the inclusive policies, there remains a significant gap between the legal framework and societal acceptance. Discrimination and hostility toward transgender individuals are still prevalent. In this context, the creation of Fenix FC is a powerful act of defiance against those who seek to marginalize trans people.

A Symbol of Resilience

The team’s name, Fenix, is a fitting symbol for its journey. Like the mythical phoenix rising from the ashes, Fenix FC represents the resilience and determination of transgender men who refuse to be excluded from the sports they love.

“We may have lost our first game 19-0, but for us, it was a win just to be there,” Martinez said. “Every time we step onto the field, we are proving that trans people belong in sports. We belong in society.”

Though the road ahead will likely have more challenges, the players are committed to building a team that not only competes but also inspires. Their long-term goal is to encourage other regions and countries to follow suit, creating spaces where trans athletes can participate without fear of exclusion or violence.

The Bottom Line

The impact of Fenix FC is already extending beyond the soccer field. For many in the transgender community, the team’s debut is a beacon of hope and proof that change is possible. Advocates see Fenix FC’s success as a catalyst for broader discussions about inclusion in sports, not just in Spain but across Europe.

“This is about visibility and representation,” said Adriana Garcia, a local LGBTQ+ activist. “By simply existing, Fenix FC challenges the stereotypes and prejudices that transgender people face every day. They are sending a message to the world that we deserve to be seen, respected, and included.”

For now, Fenix FC remains focused on playing the sport they love. Win or lose, the team’s achievements off the field will resonate for years to come, serving as a reminder that true victory lies in inclusion.

This historic milestone highlights the intersection of sports, identity, and activism, marking a moment of triumph for the transgender community. Though their journey is far from over, Fenix FC stands as a powerful symbol of progress and hope for a more inclusive future.


Trans-masculine surgeries or Masculinizing Gender Affirming Surgeries (MGAS)

arrow_right Bottom Surgery - Metoidioplasty and Phalloplasty

There are two options in transitioning—metoidioplasty and total phalloplasty. In a metoidioplasty, a surgeon crafts a phallus from existing tissue in the genital (V)region. This is done by reconstructive urologists.

Metoidioplasty does not typically create a penis large enough for penetrative sex. If penetrative sex is important to people, they may choose to have additional phalloplasty.

Total phalloplasty with the creation of a neophallus of a similar volume to that in genetic males, is a complex and multi-staged procedure. Many different tissues (i.e., flaps) can be used, and the ideal procedure is still not established.

In contrast to the above complexities involved in total phalloplasty, metoidioplasty presents a simple and one-stage procedure for the creation of a neophallus from a hormonally enlarged clitoris. “Neo” means “new,” and “phallus” means “penis.”

The metoidioplasty technique is very promising for individuals who desire gender-affirmation surgery without having to undergo the difficult and multistage creation of a male-sized neophallus.

A year or two of testosterone therapy typically causes the clitoris to grow, sometimes to 1 inch (2,54cm) or 2 inches (5,08cm). The surgeon can separate the clitoris from the surrounding tissue to make it longer and to position it as a phallus.

Although a metoidioplasty does not create a penis large enough for a penile implant, erections are possible due to the use of clitoral and genital tissues. People with a metoidioplasty will still experience sexual arousal and orgasm. However, people with a metoidioplasty will not ejaculate during orgasm due to the absence of certain structures such as the seminal vesicles and prostate.

Patients may choose to have their urethra lengthened and placed in the phallus so they can urinate from their phallus while standing up.

Some patients go home the same day, and some spend one or two nights in the hospital. You may need to be off work and avoid travel for a couple of weeks.

Metoidioplasty has a lower risk of complications than phalloplasty. Risks include leaking or narrowing of the urethra, and persistent pain or sensitivity.

Phalloplasty (FAL-oh-plas-tee) is a type of gender affirmation surgery that uses large sections (flaps) of skin to create a neophallus (neopenis).

Phalloplasty surgery goals may include creating a natural-looking penis that allows you to:

  • Pee while standing up.
  • Feel sensation and sexual pleasure.
  • Get an erection with the use of a penile implant.
  • Have penetrative sexual intercourse.

A healthcare provider takes tissue flaps from your:

  • Forearm (radial forearm free flap).
  • Thigh (anterolateral thigh free flap).

The donor tissue area will also require a skin graft. You may have the donor area skin graft at the same time as the phalloplasty or a few weeks later.

The flap contains all the parts that make up biological penile tissue (nerves arteries, veins), except for erectile tissue.

Regardless of your flap type, the nerves for orgasm connect to the flap. For most people, this preserves their ability to orgasm.

The surgon will roll the flap to form a shaft and attach it to your groin. You’ll just have a shaft — you won’t have a head (glans).

You will need additional gender-affirming surgeries at the same time as your phalloplasty, or your surgeons may break them up into different stages so you have time to heal between procedures. These extra procedures may include:

  • Making your urethra longer (urethroplasty or urethral lengthening) so you can pee while standing.
  • Constructing a head for your penis (glansplasty).
  • Inserting a penile implant to enable erections.
  • Creating a scrotum (scrotoplasty) to add testicular prostheses.
  • Closing your vagina (vaginectomy), which may also include removing your uterus (hysterectomy) and/or ovaries (oophorectomy).

In the hands of a qualified surgeon with a lot of experience, you’ll have a typical-looking penis after phalloplasty. The skin that healthcare providers use to make your neophallus is different than typical penis skin, so there may be differences in color and thickness — you may not be able to see veins. You may have scarring on the bottom of your shaft and around the tip. Your penis will also be about the same size when it’s erect as it is flaccid (not erect).

arrow_right Top Surgeries: Double Incision and Peri-aeriolar Incisions

Double Incision A double incision mastectomy involves making two horizontal incisions across the chest to remove breast tissue, followed by repositioning and resizing the nipples for a masculine chest contour. Additional liposuction may be performed to adjust contour.

Despite the double incision mastectomy being one procedure, a range of different techniques employed depending on body type and desired cosmetic outcome.

Peri-aeriolar Incisions
Unlike double incision, periareolar surgery can only be used if the patient requires minimal excess skin removal.

The periareolar technique involves a donut shape of skin removal around the areola. This is performed by making the areola smaller (about 22 mm in diameter, which is similar to the areola size for cisgender men), and then marking an outer circle of skin which will be removed. The outermost layer of the skin is removed. Through this layer of tissue, the surgeon makes an incision and works beneath the layers of the skin to remove the chest tissue.

After the chest tissue has been removed, the surgeon performs a “purse string” stitch to bring the outer circle down to the diameter of the inner circle. Sometimes, this has the downside of creating a pleating effect, oftentimes called a sunburst or a ripple pattern around the nipple because of the mismatch between a large circle and a small circle. Most of the time, these ripples diminish or disappear completely in the weeks and months that follow surgery.

Like four years ago, you'd hear that one trans-woman is part of an all-female team or competing with females. It would cause controversy. But after the competition, everybody seems to forget about it and probably hope or think it will stay just one trans-woman.

Well, fellow cis-gender women or XX-women, as we call it around here, now we have five trans-women on one soccer team. The team is undefeated.

It is time for XX-women to do something. Legally, the coach can't refuse a trans-woman on a team and tournaments can't refuse a trans-woman from entering the competition. But who will you play or compete with if nobody shows up? The law can't force people to participate.

But those pro inclusion, safety and respect are constantly using threats to intimidate females who protest. You will lose your scholarship, you won't get a recommendation letter, you will be fired or some other repercussions.

There are trans-women who want gender-neutral bathrooms, locker rooms and summer/winter Olympics. So if you keep participating out of fear for repercussions, soon you won't be able to participate at all.

Well, you can keep competing for fun. Winning is not important. It's just about playing your favorite sport. I guess investing your time and energy fully into something for fun can be fun? But will sponsors throw money at XX-women when they know those XX-women will have to compete with trans-women?

NY Post

Australian soccer team with 5 transgender players goes undefeated in women’s tournament: ‘Huge difference in ability’

An amateur Australian soccer team has stirred controversy after the squad, which includes five transgender women, dominated a women-only tournament and claimed the $1,000 prize, according to a report.

The Sydney-based Flying Bats FC went undefeated during the four-week tournament, including one game in which one of the transgender women scored six goals en route to a 10-0 beatdown, the Daily Telegraph reported.

Some parents pulled their daughters from matches over safety concerns, officials from other soccer clubs in the North West Sydney League told the paper.

They believe the Flying Bats, who are backed by Pride Football Australia, should instead play in the mixed-gender games that include men and women.

“Our girls are here to play for fun and expect to play in the female competition. They did not sign up for a mixed competition,” one senior club official said.

“Some of the parents were so concerned, they would not let their daughters play,” the official continued.

“It was so disheartening for them to see the huge difference in ability — they’re killing it.”

Kirralie Smith, a spokesperson for Binary Australia, an advocacy group that maintains that there are only two genders, told the Daily Telegraph the league is putting the players at risk. She claimed that some girls were told not to complain or forfeit in protest for fear of repercussions.

The Flying Bats Football Club president Jen Peden defended the club’s tournament victory and said the team stands for inclusion and “trans women belong in the women’s competition because that is the gender with which they identify.”

“As a club, the Flying Bats FC stand strongly for inclusion, and pride ourselves on safe, respectful and fair play, the promotion of a supportive community for LGBTQIA+ players, officials and supporters, and the significant physical, social and mental health benefits that participation in sport brings, especially to marginalized members of the LGBTQIA+ community. We are a club that values our cisgender and transgender players equally,” Peden said.

“We strongly support the Australian Human Rights Commission’s guidelines for the inclusion of transgender and gender diverse people in sport,” she added, noting there have been transgender players in the club for 20 years.

A spokesman for Football NSW told the Daily Telegraph the league takes “pride in being at the forefront of developing inclusive policies for the sport in Australia and operates within the existing legal framework, including antidiscrimination legislation.”


NBC News

Four college volleyball teams forfeit against San José State over possible trans player

A fourth university has forfeited its women’s volleyball match against San José State University following controversy over the gender identity of one of the team’s players.

Utah State University said in a brief statement Tuesday that it would not play its Oct. 23 match against SJSU, joining the University of Wyoming, Boise State University and Southern Utah University, which have all forfeited matches against the California school over the last three weeks.

None of the universities explained their decisions, though the University of Wyoming said the decision was made “after a lengthy discussion.” The universities have not responded to requests for additional comment.

A fourth university has forfeited its women’s volleyball match against San José State University following controversy over the gender identity of one of the team’s players.

Utah State University said in a brief statement Tuesday that it would not play its Oct. 23 match against SJSU, joining the University of Wyoming, Boise State University and Southern Utah University, which have all forfeited matches against the California school over the last three weeks.

None of the universities explained their decisions, though the University of Wyoming said the decision was made “after a lengthy discussion.” The universities have not responded to requests for additional comment.

Michelle Smith McDonald, senior director of media relations for SJSU, said the university will not address the gender identity of any student due to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, a federal student privacy law.

“It is disappointing that our SJSU student athletes, who are in full compliance with NCAA and Mountain West rules and regulations, are being denied opportunities to compete,” McDonald said in an emailed statement on behalf of the university. “We are committed to supporting our student-athletes through these challenges and in their ability to compete in an inclusive, fair, safe and respectful environment.”

The forfeitures began after months of speculation in conservative websites about the gender identity of one of SJSU’s players. In April, the far-right website Reduxx published an interview with an anonymous parent of an SJSU player who said there were “rumors” that one of the other players was a transgender woman.

The teammate in question did not return requests for comment. NBC News is not using her name because she has not made a public statement about her identity or confirmed that she is trans.

On Sept. 23, SJSU player Brooke Slusser joined a lawsuit filed by more than a dozen women athletes against the NCAA, which oversees collegiate athletics, arguing that its policy allowing trans women to compete on women’s teams violates Title IX, a federal law protecting students against sex discrimination in federally funded schools and programs. The suit is led by Riley Gaines, a former 12-time NCAA All-American swimmer who competed for the University of Kentucky and objected publicly to the participation of University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas, the first trans woman to win an NCAA championship.

In the lawsuit, Slusser says the teammate who was the subject of the media coverage told her she was a trans woman. When Slusser asked the teammate, whom Slusser had roomed with on team trips, why the teammate hadn’t shared this information with her before, the teammate said “there never seemed to be a good time to bring it up,” and that she was afraid Slusser would not be her friend if Slusser knew the truth, according to the suit, which uses “he” pronouns for the teammate. Slusser said she told the teammate she didn’t want her to be bullied but that she questioned whether it was safe or fair for the teammate to play on the women’s team.

Soon after, according to the suit, SJSU officials convened a meeting to address the news article about the teammate’s gender identity, and told members of the volleyball team that they shouldn’t speak about the teammate’s gender with anyone outside of the team. Slusser says that the teammate was stronger than other members of the team and that volleyball hits from the teammate caused more bruising and pain than hits from other players.

The suit says Slusser has experienced “physical and emotional injuries, embarrassment, humiliation, emotional distress, mental anguish and suffering” due to the teammate’s participation on the team and the NCAA’s policy that allows trans women to compete. Slusser did not return a request for additional comment.

The NCAA said in a statement that it “will continue to promote Title IX, make unprecedented investments in women’s sports and ensure fair competition for all student-athletes in all NCAA championships.” Michelle Brutlag Hosick, director of external communications for the NCAA, declined to comment further.

Trans rights advocates have noted that the teammate hasn’t confirmed her gender identity, but, if she is trans, it appears the information has been shared and spread without her permission, outing her nationally. Her profile with the team indicates she has played on women’s teams since at least high school and also played at SJSU for two previous seasons without public controversy.

Tony Hoang, the executive director of Equality California, said that in forfeiting matches against SJSU, school administrators are harming all students involved.

“Let’s be clear — this isn’t actually about sports; it is part of a coordinated nationwide attack on the LGBTQ+ community led by extremist right-wing politicians,” Hoang said in a statement Thursday.

The Republican governors of both Utah and Idaho publicly supported decisions by Southern Utah University, Utah State University and Boise State University to cancel their matches against SJSU.

Spencer J. Cox, Utah Gov.: I stand with the students, coaches and leadership at @SUUtbirds and @USUAggies in their decision to forgo their women’s volleyball matches against San Jose State.

It is essential that we preserve a space for women to compete fairly and safely. Our female athletes are left… Show more

Idaho Gov. Brad Little applauded Boise State for working “within the spirit” of a bill he signed to prohibit trans student athletes from playing on the school sports teams of their gender identities in K-12 schools and colleges, though the law is currently blocked by a lawsuit.

Brad Little, @GovernorLittle: I applaud @BoiseState for working within the spirit of my Executive Order, the Defending Women’s Sports Act. We need to ensure player safety for all of our female athletes and continue the fight for fairness in women’s sports.

Conservatives have increasingly attempted to restrict trans inclusion in sports, among a variety of other LGBTQ-related issues. Half of states, including Idaho, Utah and Wyoming, prohibit trans student athletes from participating on the school sports teams that align with their gender identities as opposed to their assigned sexes at birth. Idaho’s and Utah’s laws are currently blocked by lawsuits.

Previously, trans athletes’ participation in sports was regulated by state sports associations, school districts and, in college athletics, the NCAA. In January 2022, the NCAA updated its trans athlete policy to adopt a sport-by-sport approach that allows sports governing bodies to determine their own eligibility criteria. USA Volleyball requires trans women athletes to submit documentation of their testosterone levels to ensure they do not exceed the upper limit of the normal female range.


Fox News: Macy Petty, a Concerned Women of America (CWA) legislative assistant and a NCAA volleyball athlete, shared with Fox News Digital the organization's efforts to raise awareness of transgender players' impact on women's sports.
"There's no informed consent for the schools or for the female athletes here. They're totally blindsided when they walk up to the court and they see that there's a male athlete on the other side."
Petty said athletes are faced with having to "choose between maybe a $100,000 educational scholarship or their own safety and dignity."
"And for a lot of girls, that's a burden that is just too much to bear," she said. "We're asking these schools to be proactive on this issue and simply say if there is a boy on the other team, we're not going to play.

OutKick: On Oct. 2, one of Brooke Slusser's teammates received a direct message on social media, warning Slusser and her teammates to "look out" if they continued playing for the Spartans.
On Thursday (Oct. 3), police safeguarded Moby Arena as San Jose State arrived to take on Colorado State.
Police were present at Moby to protect a biological woman, Slusser, based on the threat she received.
One naturally assumes that a long-term plan would be in place to protect this concerned team.
According to Brooke, SJSU has not reached out with any plans to ensure her or her team’s safety beyond Thursday night.
OutKick reached out for comment from SJSU's administration regarding a plan to keep their players safe.
"We have communicated to the team that we have enhanced security places in place for home and away games indefinitely," SJSU spokesperson Michelle Smith McDonald told OutKick.
Notably, Brooke expects a strong reaction from SJSU to protect the women under duress based on the university's past efforts to protect their trans player, Blaire Fleming.
I also inquired with SJSU about whether the school is investigating the online threat toward Brooke.
"Because the threat took place in Colorado before the Colorado State match, the CSU police are investigating and keeping our University Police officers updated," the school responded.
Has Blaire Fleming taken the initiative to support Brooke since the latter received a threat to their safety, which, by extension, affected the rest of the Spartans team?
"No," Brooke responded.

The Q in LGBTQIA+ seems to be very happy with the 2024 draft for the Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA). Apparently, 37 active players, who identify as queer, will play or played this season.

I'm told that the WNBA has 12 teams and each team can have 13 active players and 2 additional players. That's 180 players – 156 active and 24 additional.

So 23.7% of the active players are queer. Thank goodness none is also a trans-woman. Yay! There's one trans-man, though. Trans-man almost always keep playing for the female team. I have nothing against that. At the end of the day, they're just females.

Layshia Clarendon is the #25 Guard for the Los Angeles Sparks, and they are from California. She previously played for the Minnesota Lynx and uses any pronouns, and is also the league's first openly trans and non-binary player. They have been in the league for 10 years.


Meet all 37 of the queer women in this season's WNBA

Are we in for the best WNBA season yet?

It's that time again for the 2024 WNBA draft, and we couldn't be more excited to see how this season will play out!

Yes we queer folks love us some WNBA, but just how LGBTQ+ is it? The answer: Very!

According to Interbasket, as of 2022, nearly 30% of the league identified as queer, which was down from the 38% back in 2019. The numbers have also dwindled just a tad coming into 2024, with some players like Riquna Williams and Amanda Zahui B. not returning this year.

But still, those numbers are pretty great, and who knows how they will look after the draft. Speaking of which, ahead of tonight's draft, we've compiled a list of the 37 active players who identify as queer to celebrate the inclusiveness the sport provides. Scroll through to see who's playing this year, as well as who they're currently slated to play for.


Daily Mail

Furious dad LOSES IT as Australian workplaces are told to stop using the words FATHER and MOTHER: 'Stop spending our money on this crap'

Sydney-based queer health organisation ACON, which is primarily funded by the NSW Government and also receives money from the ABC, advised workplaces to abandon the terms to promote LGBTQ inclusion.

The lobby group has suggested the words 'mother' and 'father' be replaced with 'primary caregiver' and 'secondary caregiver'.

In a training video, HR staff were told to avoid using gendered terms when writing office policies to make sure gender norms are not reinforced.

'When we continue to use terms that buy into that, such as 'maternity leave', 'paternity leave', 'mother', 'dads', all of these terms, that's reinforcing those gender norms,' the video states.

'So using terms like 'primary caregivers', 'secondary caregiver', making sure we're not referring to partners using gender terms like 'mother', like 'dad', is really important.'

Radio 2GB host Ben Fordham, who is also a father, slammed the initiative as a 'crack pot idea' being pushed by an organisation with an 'official relationship with the ABC'.

Listeners were quick to share their opinions in the comments.

'I am a Mother, a Grandmother and I will be dammed if I will be identified as anything other than that. I am a woman and proud of it,' one woman wrote.

'It's diminishing my much treasured role as a mother and I will not bow to this insanity,' a second agreed.

'It's time to ban lobby groups and the funding to ABC - they do not represent all Australians so all Australians should not be paying for them,' a third commented.

'That is utter insanity! And 'secondary caregiver' is an incredibly insulting and pejorative title,' a fourth wrote.

In a statement addressing the 'repeated attacks' in recent months from 'opponents of LGBTQ equality, ACON said the goal of the employer support program was to create more inclusive workplaces for LGBTQ employees.

'Our members strive to be inclusive of all employees and create inclusive workplaces for all Australians. Pride in Diversity provides members with LGBTQ subject matter expertise in this aspect of their diversity and inclusion strategy,' it stated.

'Pride in Diversity was established following requests from employers, seeking advice and support in this area to enable parity with their international offices and emerging best practice in diversity and inclusion.'


Media Watch tackled this issue

It turns out- the public broadcaster [ABC] pays thousands of dollars a year to be a member of ACON.

That gives them access to something called the “Australian Workplace Equality Index”

This is where ACON publicly lists the country’s most inclusive organisations- based on who follows their ideas.

The ABC received 'gold status' at ACON’s industry awards earlier this year and so did the ABC CEO - David Anderson.

The ABC scored extra points because Mr Anderson personally appeared at Mardi Gras.

If he spoke at the event, he would have scored more points!

You can see what’s happening here.

The ABC is sucking up to this group - to try to get a higher spot on the scoresheet!

And that also impacts the independence of the ABC.

That’s why Paul Barry blew the whistle [...].

And he had proof to back up his point.

Media Watch revealed documents obtained under Freedom of Information requests.

They showed the lobby group has been offering editorial tips on how the ABC should be covering sensitive stories.

One email shows an ABC journalist seeking advice from ACON on the correct definition of the word “family”

Another email confirms the ABC will receive extra points towards its inclusion ranking… for positive coverage of trans issues.

As Paul Barry points out on Media Watch:

'The ABC had failed to cover the controversial closure of the UK’s famous Tavistock gender clinic.

"We also noted that the ABC had ignored legitimate medical debate about caution and safeguards in treating gender dysphoria in children."

Only last week- ABC chair Ita Buttrose had to apologise over a story about trans athletes.

The original story failed to discuss research showing athletes born male have physical advantages over females.

Ita described it as 'serious editorial lapses'.


Daily Mail

Five NHS nurses who complained about sharing changing room with trans colleague are now 'forced to change in humiliating locker room'

The Darlington Memorial Hospital workers launched legal action in June for alleged sexual harassment against County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust.

They claim their bosses ignored their concerns about having to share a changing room with a colleague born biologically male who now identifies as a woman.

The nurses said vulnerable women who have suffered sexual abuse were having panic attacks before working on wards after having to get undressed in front of the 26-year-old transgender nurse who stared at their breasts and lingered in the room.

After taking legal action three months ago, the nurses were given what they labelled a 'humiliating' changing room - which was meant to be temporary but is still in place.

The nurses - Bethany Hutchison, Lisa Lockey, Annice Grundy, Tracey Hooper and Joanne Bradbury - have been dubbed the 'Darlington Five' and compared to the Ford workers who fought for equal pay and inspired the 2010 film Made in Dagenham.

In a joint statement today, the nurses said: 'We continue to be appalled at how we and our female colleagues are being humiliated and dehumanised by the hospital and Trust.

'Instead of listening and acting on our concerns and the public and media outcry, they have doubled down, putting transgender ideology before women's safety.

'We were told the locker room would be 'temporary' until a solution was found. This locker room, however, does not appear to be temporary and no solution has been found.

'Changing in this room has made us feel humiliated, embarrassed, isolated, ostracised, degraded and dehumanised.'

They claimed that the room still falls under the same policy as any other changing room facility in the trust - and therefore a biological male identifying as a woman could still access it if they wanted.

The woman continued: 'From the beginning we have always advocated for our male colleagues to be given dignified changing room space - we just do not believe that space should be in the female changing room.'

The case began when the nurses claimed they were forced without warning or consultation to share a changing room with their transgender colleague.

One nurse, who experienced sexual abuse as a child, described how the colleague caused her to have panic attacks after repeatedly asking her in the changing room when they were alone together: 'Are you getting changed yet?'

Other nurses who were said to have been traumatised were those whose religious and cultural beliefs mean they cannot undress around men.

But the Christian Legal Centre, which is supporting the women, claims that the trust's policies allow any member of staff to identify in the opposite gender and to access single-sex changing rooms, toilets or showers on that basis.

Some 26 nurses then wrote to HR and senior management about their concerns, but said they were told via their ward manager that they should be 're-educated', 'broaden their mindset' and be more 'inclusive'.

In June, they went public with their story and their launch of their legal case – which prompted support from then-shadow health secretary Wes Streeting.

Mr Streeting, who became Health Secretary after the General Election, tweeted on June 24: 'I support the nurses and I'm horrified that they've had to resort to legal action.

'We've got to find a better way through this and I'd be happy to meet them. We've got to find a way through that treats trans people with respect and respects women's safe spaces.'

The woman are still yet to meet with either Mr Streeting or the Department for Health and Social Care, but MailOnline understands that the department is now trying to sort out a time and date for this to take place.

Speaking about this, the nurses said: 'The non-response from Mr Streeting is deeply disappointing, but sadly we are also not surprised.

'Nonetheless, we call on him to honour his promise and willingness to meet with us to discuss what has happened to us and why this dangerous policy needs to change urgently.'

And the hospital and trust are understood to be continuing to allow the female changing room to be accessed by anyone who identifies as a woman, including the colleague in question.

Each of the nurses are also claimed to have received letters from the trust with threats about speaking to the media.

A sign, firmly taped on to the door with rainbow colours across an NHS logo also appeared on the female changing room which said: 'Inclusive changing space.'

In big red letters, it also said: 'Do not remove this sign.'

The sign has since been taken down, but the nurses' legal team claim no explanation has been given by management for this.

The nurses were then told in July that their ward manager's office was being cleared out and would become a temporary locker room for anyone uncomfortable getting undressed in the female changing room.

This room only had one chair and a hook on the back of the door – and the nurses' lawyers said those choosing to change in this room had to leave their belongings in piles on the floor, which they deemed an infection and security risk.

There are also privacy concerns, given the room also opens straight onto a busy ward corridor and is opposite a patient side room. The door has a key press lock, and whenever it is opened it exposes anyone already getting changed inside.

Lockers have been provided in the last few weeks, but the nurses' legal team claim there are not enough for all the women wanting to use the room and the space is limited.

They therefore argue that has humiliated the nurses and further isolated them from other staff.

The nurses have received hundreds of cards supporting them from women across the UK, with Harry Potter author JK Rowling among those backing their case.

One card said: 'Thank you for your bravery and for making a stand to protect women and girls. We are all so grateful to you. The world is watching.'

Another stated: 'Good luck with your case, you are all doing a fantastic job bringing this dreadful situation to public attention and standing up for the safety and dignity of all women and girls. You have an army of women at your back and we are fighting back against this dangerous ideology… you have massive support.'

And a third said: 'Thank you for fighting for women everywhere in your struggle for dignity privacy and safety at work. Wishing you the very best of luck, and when it gets hard, remember there are so many women behind you.'

Responding to this support, the nurses said: 'We have been overwhelmed and are truly grateful to the letters of support we have received from women across the country. Your support means the world to us and keeps us going.

'We will not give in to any intimidation and bullying and will continue to stand for justice and for women and girls across the country in this matter.'

Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre, said: 'This is a hospital where ideology has trumped biology. We call on Wes Streeting to intervene and protect and uphold biological reality in the NHS.'

A spokeswoman for County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust told MailOnline: 'Additional alternative arrangements have been put in place.

'These include a private, lockable changing room and an office which has been converted into a locker room for the storage of belongings.'

And a Department of Health and Social Care spokeswoman said: 'Single sex spaces should be protected, including changing rooms.

'The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care was horrified by the way these nurses were treated and is happy to meet with them.'



Elon Musk's transgender daughter, in first interview, says he berated her for being queer as a child

Vivian Jenna Wilson, the transgender daughter of Elon Musk, said Thursday in her first interview that he was an absent father who was cruel to her as a child for being queer and feminine.

Wilson, 20, in an exclusive interview with NBC News, responded to comments Musk made Monday about her and her transgender identity. On social media and in an interview posted online, Musk said she was “not a girl” and was figuratively “dead,” and he alleged that he had been “tricked” into authorizing trans-related medical treatment for her when she was 16.

Wilson said that Musk hadn’t been tricked and that, after initially having hesitated, he knew what he was doing when he agreed to her treatment, which required consent from her parents.

Musk’s recent statements crossed a line, she said.

“I think he was under the assumption that I wasn’t going to say anything and I would just let this go unchallenged,” Wilson said in a phone interview. “Which I’m not going to do, because if you’re going to lie about me, like, blatantly to an audience of millions, I’m not just gonna let that slide.”

Wilson said that, for as long as she could remember, Musk hasn’t been a supportive father. She said he was rarely present in her life, leaving her and her siblings to be cared for by their mother or by nannies even though Musk had joint custody, and she said Musk berated her when he was present.

“He was cold,” she said. “He’s very quick to anger. He is uncaring and narcissistic.”

Wilson said that, when she was a child, Musk would harass her for exhibiting feminine traits and pressure her to appear more masculine, including by pushing her to deepen her voice as early as elementary school.

“I was in fourth grade. We went on this road trip that I didn’t know was actually just an advertisement for one of the cars — I don’t remember which one — and he was constantly yelling at me viciously because my voice was too high,” she said. “It was cruel.”

Musk didn’t respond to a request for comment.

Wilson and her twin brother were born to Musk’s first wife, author Justine Musk. The couple divorced in 2008, and Wilson said her parents shared custody between their homes in the Los Angeles area.

Musk, 53, is among the wealthiest people in the world through his stakes in Tesla, where he’s CEO, and in SpaceX, which he founded. He has also become a significant political figure, having endorsed former President Donald Trump this month for another term in the White House. Musk has 12 children, including Wilson.

Now a college student studying languages, Wilson has never granted an interview before and has largely stayed out of public view. She did, however, attract attention in 2022 when she sought court approval in California to change her name and, in the process, denounced her father.

“I no longer live with or wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form,” she said in the court filing.

She told NBC News that at the time, she was surprised by the media attention to the court filing, which she submitted when she was 18. She said in the interview that she stands by what she wrote, though she said she might have tried to be more eloquent had she known the coverage it would get.

Wilson said that she hadn’t spoken to Musk in about four years and that she refused to be defined by him.

“I would like to emphasize one thing: I am an adult. I am 20 years old. I am not a child,” she said. “My life should be defined by my own choices.”

Musk threw a spotlight on Wilson on Monday by speaking about their relationship in a video interview with psychologist and conservative commentator Jordan Peterson streamed live on X, saying he didn’t support Wilson’s gender identity.

“I lost my son, essentially,” Musk said. He used Wilson’s birth name, also known as a deadname for transgender people, and said she was “dead, killed by the woke mind virus.”

And in a post on X, Musk said Monday that Wilson was “born gay and slightly autistic” and that, at age 4, she fit certain gay stereotypes, such as loving musicals and using the exclamation “fabulous!” to describe certain clothing. Wilson told NBC News that the anecdotes aren’t true, though she said she did act stereotypically feminine in other ways as a child.

Wilson also addressed Musk’s recent comments in a series of posts Thursday on the social media app Threads.

“He doesn’t know what I was like as a child because he quite simply wasn’t there,” she wrote. “And in the little time that he was I was relentlessly harassed for my femininity and queerness.”

“I’ve been reduced to a happy little stereotype,” she continued. “I think that says alot about how he views queer people and children in general.”

In recent years, Musk has taken a hard-right turn into conservative politics and has been waging a campaign against transgender people and policies designed to support them. This month, he said he was pulling his businesses out of California to protest a new state law that bars schools from requiring that trans kids be outed to their parents.

On X, Musk has for years criticized transgender rights, including medical treatments for trans-identifying minors, and the use of pronouns if they are different from what would be used at birth. He has promoted anti-trans content and called for arresting people who provide trans care to minors.

After Musk bought X, then known as Twitter, in 2022, he rolled back the app’s protections for trans people, including a ban on using deadnames.

Musk told Peterson that Wilson’s gender transition has been the motivation for his push into conservative politics.

“I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus after that, and we’re making some progress,” he said.

Wilson was also mentioned in a biography of Musk by author Walter Isaacson — a book that she told NBC News was inaccurate and unfair to her. The book refers to her politics as “radical Marxism,” quoting Musk’s sister-in-law Christiana Musk, but Wilson said she’s not a Marxist, though she said she does oppose wealth inequality. The book also calls her by her middle name, Jenna.

Wilson said Isaacson never reached out to her directly ahead of publication. In a phone interview Thursday, Isaacson said he had reached out to Wilson through family members.

Christiana Musk didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment Thursday.

Wilson told NBC News that for years she had considered speaking out about Musk’s behavior as a parent and as a person but that she could no longer remain silent after his comments Monday.

She said she had never received an explanation for why her father spent so little time with her and her siblings — behavior that she now views as strange.

“He was there, I want to say, maybe 10% of the time. That’s generous,” she said. “He had half custody, and he fully was not there.”

“It was just a fact of life at the time, so I don’t think I realized just how abnormal of an experience it was,” she added.

Wilson said she came out twice in life: once as gay in eighth grade and a second time as transgender when she was 16. She said that she doesn’t recall Musk’s response the first time and that she wasn’t present when Musk heard from others that she was transgender, because by then the pandemic had started and she was living full-time with her mother.

“She’s very supportive. I love her a lot,” Wilson said of her mom.

The pandemic was a chance to escape Musk’s cruelty, she said.

“When Covid hit, I was like, ‘I’m not going over there,’” she said. “It was basically very lucky timing.”

Musk told Peterson in the interview that he had been “tricked” into signing documents authorizing transgender-related medical treatment for Wilson — an allegation Wilson said isn’t true.

“I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys,” Musk said, using her birth name.

“This was before I had really any understanding of what was going on, and we had Covid going on,” he said, adding that he was told she might commit suicide.

Wilson said that, in 2020, when she was still a minor at 16, she wanted to start treatment for severe gender dysphoria but needed the consent of both parents under California law. She said that her mother was supportive but that Musk initially wasn’t. She said she texted him about it for a while.

“I was trying to do this for months, but he said I had to go meet with him in person,” she said. “At that point, it was very clear that we both had a very distinct disdain for each other.”

When she eventually went and gave him the medical forms, she said, he read them at least twice, once with her and then again on his own, before he signed them.

“He was not by any means tricked. He knew the full side effects,” she said.

She said she took puberty blockers before she switched to hormone-replacement therapy — treatments that she said were lifesaving for her and other transgender people.

“They save lives. Let’s not get that twisted,” she said. “They definitely allowed me to thrive.”

She said she believed the requirements to obtain such treatments remain onerous, with teenagers pressured to say they’re at extreme risk of self-harm before they’ll be approved. She said she felt judged by Musk and Peterson, in the Monday interview, for not being at a high enough risk in their eyes.

“I have been basically put into a point where, to a group of people, I have to basically prove whether or not I was suicidal or not to warrant medically transitioning,” she said. “It’s absolutely mind-boggling.”


It's good to know that an international organization like the UN has recently (Oct. 8, 2024) reported about the intrusion of males who identify as female in female only sports categories and spaces. It's a first step in the right direction. clapchampagne_glass

BTW, comedians can joke about women being raped or abused, about pedophilia, gays and lesbians, but they can't joke about transgenders or include women rights being overruled by trans-women rights into their jokes. Books that are critical of the contemporary transgender movement are being removed from website like Amazon.com too.

United Nations

Violence against Women and Girls - Press conference by Special rapporteur | United Nations

Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls Reem Alsalem said, “Violence against women and girls in sport is a serious, systemic and systematic human rights issue that demands immediate attention at all levels.”

Addressing reporters today (8 Oct) on Violence against Women and Girls in sport, Alsalem explored the forms, causes and consequences of violence against women and girls in sports, including sexual violence, coercion, gender pay gap, gender stereotypes, patriarchal structures, abusive coaches, and the general absence of robust policies and mechanisms to address abuses and protect victims.

She said, “Women and girls in sport face multiple forms of violence - and I outlined them in the report - economic forms of violence, physical, psychological, coercive control, online violence and also for children, girls, they face neglect, particularly in some sports such as gymnastics.”

She also said, “The report also describes the most common perpetrators of violence and their accomplices, which include state and non-state actors. So, I speak about coaches, professional colleagues, family members, managers, spectators, policy makers. And I assert within that conversation that states can also be considered complicit when they fail to prevent, prosecute and sanction acts of violence against women and girls in sport.”

She continued, “Their ability to play sports in condition of safety, dignity and fairness has been further eroded by the intrusion of males who identify as female in female only sports categories and spaces.”

She concluded, “Impunity fosters the culture of silence and injustice, and that is brought about in part by the autonomous regulatory frameworks of sports organizations that we have, which non sufficiently incorporated human rights lens or framework in the work, and they tend to prioritize reputation and winning over justice and accountability to victims.”

The Special Rapporteurs of the Human Rights Council are independent human rights experts with mandates to report and advise on human rights from a thematic or country-specific perspective.


[un]Divided with Brandi Kruse

14-year-old girl stuns crowd with story of losing track meet to a boy

14-year-old Annaleigh lost a track meet in Washington state to a boy. Listen to her tell her story to a stunned room of 500+ adults.


The Daily Signal

My Childhood Was RUINED:' Detransitioner Chloe Cole Talks About Trans Procedures

Detransitioner Chloe Cole testified before a House subcommittee July 27 [2023].

My name is Chloe Cole and I'm a new transitioner another way to put that would be I used to believe that I was born the wrong body and the adults in my life whom I trusted affirmed my belief and this caused me lifelong irreversible harm.

I speak to you today as a victim of one of the biggest medical scandals in the history of the United States of America. ... ... ... ... ...


Sky News

Adelaide comedian has shows cancelled over women’s rights views

Comedian Biddy O’Loughlin discusses the cancelling of her shows in Adelaide for speaking her mind on women’s rights issues.

“I can’t prove all the things I lost and all the gigs I lost but I have definitely suffered for speaking up about women’s rights,” Ms O’Loughlin told Sky News host Rita Panahi.

“I think a woman is an adult female and we should have our sex-based rights secured in law.”

[A venue reached out to her and it sold out without any advertisement!]


Hillsdale College

Science, the Transgender Phenomenon, and the Young | Abigail Shrier

Abigail Shrier
Author, Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters

This speech was given at a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar in Franklin, TN.


0:00 - 1:35 SPEAKER 1:

OK, our first speaker this morning is Abigail Shrier. She's a graduate of Columbia College and went on to earn a Bachelor of Philosophy degree from the University of Oxford and a JD from Yale Law School.

She's a frequent contributor to The Wall Street Journal. And she's the author of Irreversible Damage, The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters. It was named a best book by The Economist and The Times of London. And she'll be drawing on themes from that book in her talk today.

In a recent essay on Substack, she wrote about Big Tech censorship of arguments that question this transgender craze. In this particular case, her subject was amazon.com's sudden removal from its website of a book that is critical of the contemporary transgender movement. She argued that this kind of censorship has the effect of suppressing free speech both now and in the future.

As she wrote in her essay, and I'm quoting, "This is the chilling effect of censorship that John Milton called 'the greatest displeasure and indignity to a free and knowing spirit that can be put upon him.'" She continued,

"When censorship is imposed by the government or the world's third largest multinational, it forbids new life like a frost." Well, we at Hillsdale happen to think the right to free speech is essential. And so to our speaker I say, welcome to the spring thaw, Abigail Shrier.

NY Post

NY high school students will participate in statewide walkout against trans athletes competing in girls’ sports

The statewide demonstration, set for Oct. 24, is being organized by The Coalition to Protect Kids, a group that has strong backing from the Catholic Church and the New York Republican and Conservative parties.

The groups supporting the walkout oppose the controversial Proposition 1 measure on the ballot in the Nov. 5 election. Prop 1 — also called the “Equal Rights Amendment” — would enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution.

New York already has among the strongest abortion rights laws in the nation and critics claim the ballot measure is unnecessary and just a ruse to try to boost Democratic turnout in competitive congressional and state legislative races, as well as for the White House.

The proposal also asks voters whether they support or oppose adding language to the constitution stating that people cannot be denied rights based on their “race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, creed, religion, or sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, reproductive healthcare and autonomy.”

Opponents argue adding such expansive language would open the door to allowing athletes who identify as female and are born male to compete against women and girls, which they claim would discriminate against athletes who are born female.

“Girls are being systematically canceled in this state, and ‘Walk Off for Fairness Day’ will give them a safe opportunity to make their voices heard,” said Coalition to Protect Kids-NY spokeswoman Ayesha Kreutz.

“So many of these young women are afraid of speaking out, so they’re forced to watch as 50 years of female athletic progress gets washed away by destructive ideologues. Girls are not second class citizens, so why are they being treated that way?”

In April, the state Education Department issued draft guidance that would allow trans boys to compete on girls’ sports teams.

It also would allow boys — regardless of their gender identity — to play on girls’ teams if the school fails to offer a boys’ team in a selected sport.

If Prop 1 passes, these regulations could be protected in the state constitution, the coalition claims.

The guidelines have been put on hold following public outcry, at least until after the election.

The Republican and Conservative parties are urging voters — including parents and their student athletes — to reject what they consider progressive overreach.

“The Prop 1 ballot amendment would roll back the protections guaranteed to women and girls under Title IX of the Education Amendments signed into law by President Nixon over 50 years ago by giving biological males a constitutional right to compete on girls teams, and taking away the scholarships and playing time these young women have worked so hard for,” said state Republican Party chairman Ed Cox.

“Sixty-six percent of New Yorkers oppose this radical social-engineering change to our State Constitution, according to the latest New York Times/Siena poll. The New York Republican Party urges young athletes to join the ‘Walk Off for Fairness’ #GirlCott on Thursday, October 24th.”

Chimed in state Conservative Party chairman Gerry Kassar, “It’s hard to believe we’re even having the conversation that girls sports would be for anyone other than girls.

“We fully support ‘Walk Off for Fairness Day’ in New York, reminding young people that there is safety in numbers. Girls Sports must remain Girls Sports, and there should be nothing controversial in that statement,” Kassar added.

The main group backing Prop 1 accused opponents of running a scare campaign.

“There’s no bigger bully than the Coalition to Protect Kids – lying to students and parents to scare them into turning on each other,” said Sasha Ahuja, campaign director for New Yorkers for Equal Rights.

“Prop 1 is about protecting abortion permanently and preventing government discrimination, full stop — and they know it. In their desperation to make this amendment about anything else, the Coalition to Protect Kids is doing anything but.”


NY Senate

Proposal 1: Equal Rights Amendment

This proposal amends Article 1, Section 11 of the New York Constitution. Section 11 now protects against unequal treatment based on race, color, creed, and religion. The proposal will amend the act to also protect against unequal treatment based on ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, and pregnancy outcomes, as well as reproductive healthcare and autonomy. The amendment allows laws to prevent or undo past discrimination.

When voting on this proposal you can choose between two options:

“YES” vote puts these protections in the New York State Constitution.
“NO” vote leaves these protections out of the State Constitution.

Full Text of Proposition 1 Below:

Concurrent Resolution of the Senate and Assembly proposing an amendment to section 11 of article 1 of the constitution, in relation to equal protection

Section 1. Resolved (if the Assembly concur), That section 11 of article 1 of the constitution be amended to read as follows:

§ 11. a. No person shall be denied the equal protection of the laws of this state or any subdivision thereof. No person shall, because of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, creed [or], religion, or sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, and reproductive healthcare and autonomy, be subjected to any discrimination in [his or her] their civil rights by any other person or by any firm, corporation, or institution, or by the state or any agency or subdivision of the state, pursuant to law.

b. Nothing in this section shall invalidate or prevent the adoption of any law, regulation, program, or practice that is designed to prevent or dismantle discrimination on the basis of a characteristic listed in this section, nor shall any characteristic listed in this section be interpreted to interfere with, limit, or deny the civil rights of any person based upon any other characteristic identified in this section.

§ 2. Resolved (if the Assembly concur), That the foregoing amendment be submitted to the people for approval at the general election to be held in the year 2024 in accordance with the provisions of the election law.

Explanation – Matter in underscored is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted.


So if a sport event has the rule that only females can participate in single-sex female sports, that rule will be seen as a regulation designed to allow discrimination on the basis of gender identity, because that's a characteristic listed in section 11.a. In this case, a trans-woman can say that, because of her gender identity, she's subjected to discrimination in her civil rights (to freely participate in sports) by_ the sport event. Or am I understanding this wrong? My English does suck.

Anyway, if you can't "discriminate" to be able to focus on a particular segment of the population, then what's the point? What's the point of having a limbo contest if people with dwarfism are allowed to participate? What's the point of having a basketball game if people with gigantism are allowed to participate?

To participate in single-sex female sport, you should be born with XX chromosome. BTW, there are females with X-chrom (Turner syndrome), XXX-chrom (Trisomy), XXXX-chrom (Tetrasomy) and XXXXX-chrom (Pentasomy). More or less than two XX can cause mild to severe health issues. But they're females! So the rule should be only X in your chromosome for single-sex female sport.

Besides XY-chrom, males can also have XXY, XXXY, XXXXY, XYY, XYYY, XYYYY, XXYY, XXYYY, XXXYY. Anything other than XY will cause mild to severe health issues. And unlike a female fetus with just an X-chrom, a male fetus with only a Y or only Ys will not survive.

Real Clear Politics

XX-XY Athletics Slams Nike In Ad: Males Are Claiming Our Identity, Our Sports, Our Spaces, Our Trophies

XX-XY ATHETLICS: In honor of #XXDay, please join XX-XY Athletics in asking Nike to do the right thing and stand up for girls, by sharing our new ad, “Dear Nike”.

Dear Nike.

Dear Nike. Dear Nike.

Why won't you stand up for me?

Why won't you stand up for me?

Why won't you?

Why do you claim to support women and girls.

Yet when we need you most, you remain silent.

Today males are claiming our identity, our sports, our spaces. Men and boys are stealing opportunities, medals, trophies, and our future.

It is not fair or just. In fact, it's often dangerous.

Yet you refuse to use your platform to stand up.

You say you're for social justice and progress, so why do you allow men's rights to come before ours? See, with a big platform comes an even bigger responsibility.

You have a chance to do the right thing, not just do the easy thing.

So we're asking you, Nike.

So we're asking you, Nike.

So we're asking you, Nike.

As the biggest voice in all of sports.

Will you stand up for me?

Will you stand up for me?

Will you stand up for me?

Will you stand up for me?

Will you?

Will you?

Will you just do it?


My family and I are huge fan of Nike. Every single piece of gym clothing and sneaker are from Nike. So it hurts that Nike is sponsoring sports or sport events that allow biological men (trans-women) in single-sex female sports.

I guess my family and I won't be buying anything from Nike anymore. I won't throw away what I have. That's kind of pointless. It won't hurt Nike and I won't get my money back.

Every year, I do, let's say, clean my closet. I donate the clothes that I don't want anymore to the Catholic church. Yeah, at least once a year, I feel like being a good Catholic. That tends to happen in December. May have something to do with the arrivel of sweet baby Jesus. His warmth melts my frozen vampire heart rolling_eyes

Anyway, I won't donate all my Nike stuff. I'll do it gradually. Hopefully, Nike will start doing the right thing. Maybe it already started. The ad was released Oct. 10, 2024. October is the 10th month and 10 is X in Roman numeral; thus, XX 2024 or XXDay. Very cute.

According to an article posted by Out on June 30, 2024, Nike is one of the five companies that scaled back its Pride campaign this year. I'm not sure if I should consider that a first step in the right direction. I hope it is.


5 companies that scaled back their Pride campaigns in 2024

Last year, conservatives targeted Pride Month with a new vigor they hadn't had in years.

Beer company Bud Light was hit with major boycotts and blowback when it did a small social media ad with trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney.

Target was also hit hard by Right Wing extremists last year, with conservatives claiming the store was marketing "tuck friendly" swimsuits to children (it was not).

These five major brands have scaled back, and sometimes even declined to have, their Pride campaigns this year...

  1. Target
  2. Nike
  3. But Light
  4. The North Face
  5. Ralph Lauren


After being directly targeted in anti-Pride attacks last year, the popular national retailer announced that this year, instead of selling its Pride merch in every store, it will only be available online and in limited "select stores" based on "historical sales performance."


Nike is another brand that usually has a Pride collection, but seems to not have a new one this year. If you search for Nike Pride, 2023's Be True Collection is the most recent campaign. And as of this writing, only one clothing item is available for purchase from the collection.

But Light

But Light has not mentioned Pride Month at all on social media this month, and is instead focusing on celebrating MMA, country music, and Post Malone.

The North Face

Outdoor apparel company The North Face stood up to conservatives last year who bashed its Pride collection and collaboration with drag queen Patti Gonia, however, the company doesn't seem have a new campaign this year, though it is worth noting that a Google search of the term "The North Face Pride 2024" does render results from what seems to be a 2024 Pride-themed collection from the brand's Australian website.

Ralph Lauren

Ralph Lauren has a long history of Pride Month-themed campaigns, but if you search the luxury brand's site this year, all that comes up is a landing page with content from last year's campaign.



Caving to the far-right? These 6 major companies are turning away from DEI initiatives

  1. Ford Motor Co.
  2. John Deere
  3. Lowe's
  4. Harley-Davidson
  5. Brown-Forman
  6. Tractor Supply Co.

Companies are turning away from DEI initiatives

With the news this week that Ford Motor Co. is scaling back diversity, equity, and inclusion programs, it’s clear this is becoming a trend. Right-wingers have been railing against DEI for a while now [...]

Ford Motor Co.

An internal memo was leaked the last week in August that said Ford, which has nearly 200,000 employees, will back away from commenting publicly “on the many polarizing issues of the day,” although there may be times when it’s necessary, and that executives had already decided not to participate in external surveys such as the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index. The memo said the company remains committed to “fostering a safe and inclusive workplace” but has more work to do in this area. “We are mindful that our employees and customers hold a wide range of beliefs, and the external and legal environment related to political and social issues continues to evolve,” it stated.

John Deere, one of the nation’s leading farm equipment manufacturers, announced in July, “We will no longer participate in or support external social or cultural awareness parades, festivals, or events. Business Resource Groups will exclusively be focused on professional development, networking, mentoring, and supporting talent recruitment efforts. Auditing all company-mandated training materials and policies to ensure the absence of socially motivated messages, while being in compliance with federal, state, and local laws. Reaffirming within the business that the existence of diversity quotas and pronoun identification have never been and are not company policy.”


An internal memo from home improvement retailer Lowe’s, obtained by multiple news outlets in August, informed employees that the company will no longer participate in the HRC’s Corporate Equality index and that its internal employee support resources for those belonging to minority groups will all be combined into one umbrella program. The company also said it would end its sponsorship of and participation in community events such as parades, festivals, or fairs — referring to LGBTQ+ Pride parades.


Harley-Davidson, the iconic motorcycle company, also issued a memo in August, saying it was pulling out of the HRC index and that it would ensure that employee training will remain "absent of socially motivated content."

“We are saddened by the negativity on social media over the last few weeks, designed to divide the Harley-Davidson community,” company officials wrote. “As a company, we take this issue very seriously, and it is our responsibility to respond with clarity, action and facts.”

“We remain committed to listening to all members of our community as we continue on our journey together as one Harley-Davidson,” they added. “United We Ride.”


Brown-Forman, the maker of Jack Daniel’s whiskey and other beverages, told its employees in an August email that it would no longer participate in initiatives like the HRC index and that it would end "quantitative workforce and supplier diversity ambitions."

"We will continue to foster an inclusive work environment where everyone is welcomed, respected, and able to bring their best self to work," the message from executive leadership stated. "We know it will not be easy to navigate the road ahead, but please know our deep belief in, and respect for, each of you remains constant."

Tractor Supply Co.

Tractor Supply Co., the Tennessee-based animal feed and farm retailer, announced in June — LGBTQ+ Pride Month — that it was abandoning all diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives following a barrage of pressure from far-right activists.

The changes include halting data submissions to the Human Rights Campaign, refocusing Team Member Engagement Groups on mentoring and networking, eliminating DEI roles, retiring current DEI goals, and shifting environmental focus from carbon emissions to land and water conservation. The company will cease sponsoring nonbusiness activities like Pride festivals and voting campaigns.



Is Toyota no longer supporting LGBTQ+ causes & DEI initiatives?

A new report indicates that Toyota is the latest company to seemingly backtrack on its support of LGBTQ+ causes, Pride Month, and overall DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) initiatives in an attempt to soothe its conservative customers.

In the last few years, some of the largest brands in the world have started to "cave in" to so-called "anti-woke" backlash and rhetoric coming from conservative groups. From beer cans being shot and thrown out, to Pride Month merch featuring drag queens being removed from retail stores, the LGBTQ+ community is now seeing solid evidence of what many of us have suspected all along: that, for many companies, the rainbow rebranding, queer- and trans-inclusive opportunities, and limited displays of allyship are mostly just hollow marketing tactics that can be swiftly squashed at any given time.

Is Toyota no longer sponsoring LGBTQ+ events?

Yes, a new internal memo obtained by Bloomberg shows that the Toyota Motor Corporation is reportedly set to "halt sponsorship of LGBTQ+ events" and will also "end [its] participation in notable rankings by LGBTQ+ advocacy group the Human Rights Campaign and other corporate culture surveys."

For context, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) gave Toyota a perfect 100 score in the organization's 2023 Corporate Equality Index Criteria ratings. Per the messaging in this memo, however, it seems like Toyota will no longer participate in these surveys or collaborate with the HRC.

According to the Bloomberg report, Toyota's internal memo — which was sent on Thursday, October 3 [2024], to 50,000 employees based in the U.S. — also explains that the company will now "narrow [its] community activities to align with STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math] education and workforce readiness."

What is Toyota's history with LGBTQ+ causes and events?

While this new internal memo may come as a surprise to some people, this isn't the first time that Toyota has been called out for its lack of support for the LGBTQ+ community.

Is Toyota no longer supporting DEI initiatives and programs as well?

Yes, that is correct. The same memo obtained by Bloomberg cites diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs along the same lines as LGBTQ+ events — even though DEI programs encompass a much larger group of people, and "programs" aren't the same thing as "events." Therefore, the company is also "refocusing" its strategy and will now sponsor STEM programs while it scales back on funding DEI initiatives.

Who is Robby Starbuck, and what's his involvement with Toyota?

Robby Starbuck is a high-profile conservative activist who lives in Williamson County, Tennessee and ran as a write-in candidate during the 2022 U.S. House of Representatives elections. While he did not win that election, Starbuck continued to push his agenda and has become one of the most prominent figures within the conservative movement to campaign against companies that they believe are abiding by "DEI practices."

Bloomberg notes that Toyota reportedly announced that it would stop sponsoring LGBTQ+ events "a week after anti-DEI activist Robby Starbuck started a social media campaign against the company, calling for customer boycotts because of its support for LGBTQ+ events and other initiatives."

Toyota first attempted to deflect Starbuck's anti-DEI campaign against the company, as reported by Bloomberg on September 26. Specifically, Toyota noted that "the LGBTQ+ programs in question were led by employee groups, not the company directly." However, it only took a week for Toyota to issue an actual internal memo announcing that it was shutting down those initiatives altogether.


Human Rights Campaign

Workplace, Reports

Corporate Equality Index 2023-2024

Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index is the national benchmarking tool on corporate policies, practices and benefits pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer employees.

As the national benchmarking tool measuring policies, practices and benefits pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) employees, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index is a primary driving force for LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion. Data from the CEI tells the story of over two decades of year-over-year growth in the adoption of these critical policies and practices indicative of employers' commitment to equality.

The HRC Foundation's Corporate Equality Index continues to show incredible growth in the number of employers that are committed to implementing LGBTQ+ inclusive policies and practices.

An outstanding 1,384 companies actively participated in the CEI 2023-2024 Survey.

  • Equality 100 Award - In the 2023-2024 CEI, 545 employers achieved a top score of 100 earning the coveted “Equality 100 Award”
  • Newly rated companies - 128 companies, from nearly every industry, participated in the CEI for the first time this year.
  • Fortune 500 employers actively participated in the 2023-2024 CEI.
  • American Law Magazine 200 law firms actively participated in the 2023-2024 CEI.

Equality At The Fortune-Ranked Companies

Score > All Fortune 500 – Fortune 500 Participants – Fortune 500 Non-Responders

93% – 98% – 77% Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in U.S. Nondiscrimination Policy
55% – 71% – 00% Spousal and Domestic Partner Benefits   
73% – 94% – 00% Transgender-Inclusive Benefits  
55% – 71% – 00% Transgender Workplace Best Practices    
60% – 77% – 00% Outreach and Engagement to the LGBTQ+ Community 
67% – 86% – 00% Corporate Social Responsibility 
67 – 86 – 4 Average 2023-2024 CEI Score 

Inclusive Policies and Benefits

  • 97% of CEI rated employers explicitly include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as a part of their nondiscrimination policy.
  • 70% of CEI participants documented that they provide inclusive benefits for same- and different-sex spouses and partners.
  • 94% of CEI-rated businesses (a record 1,298 of 1,384 respondents) offer at least one transgender-inclusive plan option with current market standard coverage.

Supporting an Inclusive Workplace Culture

Equitable policies and benefits are critical to LGBTQ+ inclusion in the workforce but alone are not sufficient to support a truly inclusive culture within a workplace. Employers recognize that beyond the letter of a policy, additional programming and educational efforts are necessary.

  • 80% of CEI-rated employers (1,106 of 1,384 respondents) have implemented at least one LGBTQ+ data collection effort.
  • 98% of CEI-rated employers (1,354 of 1,384 respondents) have an employee resource group or diversity council that includes LGBTQ+ and allied employees and programming.
  • 974 major businesses have adopted gender transition guidelines to establish best practices in transgender inclusion for managers and teams–up from 660 businesses in the 2022-2023 CEI.

Engaging With The LGBTQ+ Community and Corporate Social Responsibility

CEI-rated businesses have extensive programs to engage with key markets and the communities in which they operate. Public commitment in the CEI is measured through a number of individual engagements with LGBTQ+ community

The CEI’s Corporate Social Responsibility criteria also ensures that sexual orientation and gender identity protections apply to businesses’ suppliers in their non-discrimination standards, as well as recipients of the businesses’ philanthropic funds.

  • 72% of CEI-rated businesses (994 of 1,384 respondents) met the standard of demonstrating at least five efforts of public commitment to the LGBTQ+ community.
  • 79% of CEI-rated businesses (1,090 of 1,384 respondents) have written giving guidelines that prohibit philanthropic support of non-religious organizations with an explicit policy of discrimination towards LGBTQ+ people.


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